King's Business - 1944-03

March, 1944


What Made thé Crying Lady Happy Again


H AROLD BROWN c a m e home from s c h o o l one day" very m u c h troubled, and hunted Mother.Up right away to tell her some­ thing important. “Mother,” he said, “when I went to school this morning, I saw a lady sit­ ting on her back steps just crying as hard as she could cry—at that pretty white house where the baby used to be in the buggy on the porch.” “Yes, dear,” answered Mother. “I know about that poor lady. God took her little baby up to live with Jesus, just as He did our baby, and she cries almost all the time. The Daddy is worried about her, but he can’t do anything to make her stop crying.” “Why does she cry so many days, Mother? You didn’t cry* so long, and none of us did, and we loved our baby awful much.” “Yes, we certainly loved our darling baby as much as anybody could. But you see, we know the Lord Jesus, and we know He always does what is best, and He had a good reason which we don’t know, for taking our little Kath­ leen to heaven. This poor lady doesn’t know the Lord Jesus.” “Why doesn’t somebody t e l l her about Him? Why don’t you do it, Mother, today?” Harold asked quickly. “Son, several ladies have gone to see her, but she will not come to the

scrubbed, clean and pink, ready for school. His blue eyes were full of dis­ tress, and he said again, “Lady, please don’t cry any more. Your little baby isn’t put in the ground in the cold. He went to live iri Jesus’ house where it is beautiful, and all the children are well and happy. That was just the little house he lived in that got sick and died, and had to be put in the ground.” She began to 'cry again, and Harold, not knowing how to say any more, hurried on to school. Mrs. Ray stopped crying after a iittle, and went into her lovely, lonely house, and began doing the morning work. The words of the little boy kept ringing in her ears.. If she could only believe what he said!

door. She stays locked inside, and they can’t get in, so they can’t help her.” , “ Oh,” Harold said in a discouraged voice as he went out to play. That night before Harold went to bed, he prayed that God would do something about that poor lady that cried all the time. And his mother, who had been silently praying all day, said earnestly, “Amen.” Next morning, Janet Ray went out * to the car with her husband when he left, just as she always did, and she kept the tears, back until he drove away, for it worried him to see her cry. Then she sat down on the back steps of her house, and gave way to her tears. Suddenly a little boy’s voice close • beside her said, “Good morning, Lady. Please don’t cry.” She looked up.through her tears to See a boy about seven years old, all

She had gone to Sunday-school when she was a girl, and she had read and heard the story of Jesus and His dying on the cross to save sinners, but all this had not interested Junior King's Business By MARTHA S. HOOKER • Member of Faculty Bible Institute of Los Angeles



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