King's Business - 1944-03



The next morning Mrs. Ray did smile at Harold, and told him to ask his mother to come to see her. He said, “Will you let her in? She says you lock people out, and don’t answer your doorbell.” “I did, but I’ll let her in when she comes.” . Mrs. Ray was quiet and gracious when Mrs. Brown went to see her the next day, and they sat down together, two women with babies in heaven, and talked together about them: how sweet they were, how they loved them, and how lonely the house was with­ out them. Then Mrs. Brown told her friend how the Lord Jesus Christ loved the little children, and how they had loved Him when He was on earth; that He s t i l l l o v e s them, He died fqr them, and for all the world. She told her that she, too, could be one of God’s children with a home in heaven if she would only believe in the Lord Jesus Christ. Mrs. Ray opened her heart and let the Lord Jesus in, and she becamè a born-again person. She promised Mrs. Brown that she and her husband would go to church the next Sunday with them. It would be Easter Sun­ day. Saturday morning, Harold Brown looked at his Easter lily a long time,, and wondered whether he could part with it. He and his mother had plant­ ed two lilies months ago, after Little Sister went away. Mother had told him how the old dry bulb would send up new green shoots and then the lovely -white blooms, and she had explained how the lily told the story of resurrection. She said that our earthly bodies were laid away in the ground and we seem to be all dead, like the lily bulb seems. But some day, when Jesus comes, we who believe in Him, will have a glorious new body, like the one that the Lord Jesus had after He arose from the dead, for the body that dies and is buried is just our house or covering. Our new body will be as much more glorious than the one we have now as the Easter lily blooms are more beautiful than the dry bulb. - Harold had watched his lily grow— the green stalk, and then the leaves. At last the buds began to show, five of them, and three were now wide open, filling the air with sweet fra­ grance, and g l o w i n g with snowy beauty. Could he give it away? [i Continued on Page 119] Bible Quiz Let us gather about our imaginary microphone. This is station K.Y.B.C., the Know Your Bible Club. •Our con­ testants are the Junior readers of the Junior King’s Business page. The

her much, though she supposed she believed ft. She never had felt any need of a Saviour, but now she knew she needed very much to have some One to help her. All day she thought about these things, and when her husband came home, she asked him what he knew about people who went tp heaven. He knew even less than she did, for he never had gone to Sunday-school at all, nor read the Bible. He thought if you did ‘the best you could, were honest and good, somehow you’d get to heaven when you died, but he wasn’t very sure about .it. This was no comfort at all to his wife. The next morning, Janet Ray de­ cided to ask the little boy some ques­ tions if he came by again, so she was out on the step, but this time she was not prying. She almost smiled as she said, “ Good morning.” Then she asked Harold how he knew his baby sister was in heaven. He told her it was in God’s Word, the Bible. A bright thought came to the little fellow. “Haven’t you got a B i b l e ? ” he asked. “No, I’m ashamed to say I haven’t,” Mrs. Ray replied. “I’ll bring you one right after school, and Mother will show me where the verses are about heaven, and you can read them for your own self.” Harold ran home from school as fast, as his legs would go, with the wonderful news that the crying lady was not crying that morning, and she had no Bible, but he had told her he’d bring her one, and where were the verses about heaven, and the lit­ tle children’s angels always being before the Father? W^th joy in her heart, j Mrs. Brown hunted up an extra Bible. She found the verses that had been a comfort to her, wrote them on slips of paper, and put them in their places in the Bible. She, told Harold to carry them carefully, and not to lose any. When he arrived at the Ray house, Mr. Ray was at home, and he came to the door. Very much embarrassed, Harold managed to tell him that this was a Book for Mrs. Ray—for the lady that cried—and that there were some verses that would make her stop crying. Mr. Ray thanked him and took the Book to his wife. He would have taken hfer anybody or anything that could stop her hopeless grief. For the first time in their lives, John and Janet Ray spent an evening searching through the Bible. They read the verses and chapters Mrs. Brown had marked, and then they be­ gan to find other things that helped. Before they realized it, the ev.ening was gone—the first one since Junior went away that his mother had not cried.

K. Y. B. C. Bible Quiz

questions for this broadcast pertain to the story of the death and resur­ rection of our Lord Jesus. If you give the correct answer upon the first suggestion,.you will earn 25 points; on the second 20 points, on the third, 10 points, and on the fourth five points. Check your answers by the correct ones , given elsewhere on this page. .Keep your score hnd see how many points you make. • A. (1) A man who was a secret dis­ ciple of Jesus. (2) He was rich and lived at Arimathea. (3) He “besought Pilate that he might take away the body of Jesus: and Pilate gave him leave.” (4) He laid the body of Jesus “ in his own new tomb,” in a garden. B. (1) The woman who was the first to see Jesus after the resurrection. (2) “She runneth, and cometh to Si­ mon Peter, and to the other disciple” and said to them,. “They have taken away the Lord put of the sepulchre, and we know not where they have laid him.” (3) She “ stood without at the sepulchre w e e p i n g ” On that first Easter morning. (4) She was the one out of whom the Lord Jesus cast seven devils. C. (1) “ A man of the Pharisees. . . a ruler of the Jews.” (2 )'He “ brought a mixture of myrrh and aloes, about a hundred pound weight” to help pre­ pare the. body of Jesus for burial. (3) He was the one “which at the first came to Jesus by night.” (4) The Lord Jesus said to him. “Except a man be born again he cannot see the king­ dom of God.” Answers to K.Y.B.C. Quiz A. Joseph of Arimathea (John 19:38, 41,42; Matt. 27:57,60). B. Mary Mag­ d a l e n e (Mk. 16:19; John 20:2, 11). C. Nicodemus (John 3:1, 3; 20:39). New K. Y. B. C. Members SPRINGTOWN, ARK.: Bobby Beck, Betty Brannon. Deloris Cash, Genevieve ‘ Della Rosa, Victor Della Rosa, Virginia Della Rosa, Dewey Ellington, Laveme Ellington, Harry Long, Carrie Mae Luther, John Her­ bert Luther, Lucile Rutherford, Donald Sit- ton, Emmalee Sitton, Kenneth Sitton, John Wasson (Mae E. Luther, sponsor). HEMET, CALIF.: Emory Bean, Fred Bean (Mrs. Joe M. King, teacher). DE RIDDER, LA.: Betty Brewer, Bobby Brewer. Douglas Cronin, James Cronin, Charles Everett, Edward Everett, Kenneth Everett, Anna Ruth .Farquhar, Billy Hart, Howard Sanden, O. E. Sahden, Connie Sim­ mons, James Waldon (Mrs. Lynn G. Gordon, teacher).


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