King's Business - 1944-03

March, 1944



n. His C redentials (14:8-18)

ment, training, financial support, and needful guidance. 3. "They sent them away . . . being sent forth by the Holy Ghost" (vs. 3, 4). Two different Greek words are used for “sent” in these two state­ ments. In the first instance, the true meaning is “released,” arid in the sec­ ond, “ sent.” Thus we are to under­ stand that it is really the Holy Spirit who does the sending and the church cooperates to the extent that it frees the called ories from all other obliga­ tions. 4. "We also are men of like pas­ sions with you" (14:15). At Lystra, Paul and Barnabas were considered as gods. In refusing worship, Paul em­ phasized the fact that all the gods that men worship are of like passions with themselves. They are the crea­ tions of. men’s mind and are unable to aid them in any way. A god “of like passions” with man cannot save man any more than man can save himself.

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In their jdjurriey, Barnabas and Paul came to Lysira where there was a man lam e' from his birth. As Paul was speaking, he saw that this man was believing the message, and hence that he had some understanding of the power of the risen Christ. Paul called to him—to this man who never had stood upon his feet—bidding him rise. When the man did so, the multitude was amazed, thinking the gods had come down to them. The astonished pagans named these two gospel preachers after their gods; Barnabas they called Jupiter, and Paul, Mercurius. But the apostles cried, “We also are men” (v. 15), refusing to be objects of worship. Worship should be offered only to the living God who, in this case, had manifested His presence by healing the lame man. III. His P ersecution (19, 20) Jews from Antioch and Iconium soon came and persuaded the people that Paul was not only less than a god, but also that he was a man who should not be allowed to live. Per­ haps in their reversion from what they had thought to do, and in their cha­ grin for making the mistake that they did, they were easily persuaded to stone Paul. Public opinion is always untrustworthy. The applause of the crowd is a shallow thing, It can turn to bitter persecution at a moment’s notice, and even seek to slay the ob­ ject of veneration. The disciples gathered about Paul’s body, and he arose and entered into the city from which he had been dragged as one dead. He knew he had been appointed to suffering and per­ secution, and when these trials came to him, he was ready to bear them. Points and Problems 1. "The Holy Ghost said" (Acts 13:2). This sets forth the personality of the Spirit, Speaking is an attribute of per­ sonality, not of a mere influence. Fur­ thermore, t h i s .divine personality speaks to men, believers assembled at Antioch. This same Spirit still speaks today to'those who have listening ears. It should be remembered that He al­ ways speaks in harmony with the written Word of which He is the author. 2. "Separate me Barnabas and Saul for the work whereunto I have called them" (v. 2). The Spirit did the call­ ing. The church did the releasing. The church cannot make a missionary or a minister. But when men have been called of the Spirit to definite service for Him, the church should cooperate by providing encourage­

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¿ ô i'fy ô m fy a & itc ô H ‘S i& C e S c fo o t When your 1944 Dally Vacation Bible School is ready to start you will want to have your plans complete to the last detail— everything ready to goi NOW , then, is die time to lay those plans. Thousands o f DVBS leaders have formed the habit o f being ready early by adopting the " SUP ER IOR " S ccu tn ten S c h o o l S&U e& of Daily Vocation Bible School Lessons Every hour of every day is programmed in detail, yet the “ SUPERIOR” Series is flexible enough to permit changes to suit individual ideas. A blessing to the untrained; a welcome aid to the trained. Designed by DVBS experts under Editor-in-Chief Clarence H. Benson, and based solidly on theBible. Prices are rea­ sonable; Teachers manuals, 25c each; pupils' work books, 12c each. Users o f the SUPERIOR Series will be delighted with the 1944 units. Departmental subjects: Beginners (5 and under) —first week, “ The Son Whom God Sent,” second week, “ The Children Whom God Owns”; Primary (6-8)—“ The Shepherd .Psalm”; Junior (9-11)—“ Paul’s Missionary Journeys” ; Intermediates (12 and u p )—“ Missionary Pioneers in Many Lands.” Separate manuals for each department. Meet the 1944 Challenge l This summer will produce another challenge to DVBS leaders and teachers to reach boys and girls with the Word of God. Since 25% to 50% of DVBS pupils frequently do not attend Sunday School regularly, these summer contacts can lead to increased Sunday School enrollment.


THE SCRIPTURE PRESS. Inc. 800 N. Clark St., Chicago 10, III Please sendme FREEProspectusof the Superioi bummer School Series for DVBS which includes sample lesson for each department.

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