King's Business - 1944-03



Golden Text Illustration A cts 13:2.

glad and thank' ll. Paul and Barnabas did not think very much about the trouble they had, because, all the time, they “were filled »with joy” (v. 52), and they knew the ones at home who prayed for them were happy, too. Shall we ask the Lord to make us missionaries and prayer helpers who are always glad?


A mere lad in the army overseas was rather hard to manage because of his failure to respond readily to dis­ cipline. But when time came for him to do actual service, he suddenly de­ veloped into a man. On the last day of the great war, he had to go out twice in the face of the enemy’s fire. Both times he returned, and saluted with these words: “Captain, your mes­ sage was delivered.” We are entrusted with a' message to the nations, and there are many places where to deliver it is to do so in the face of the enemy’s fire. There will come a day when we will go out for the last time, and at the end of day report to our Captain, who said, “Go ye.” Shall we be able to say, as did the lad: “Captain, your message was delivered” ?—-A Modern Cyclope­ dia of Illustrations. Two Missionaries A cts 13 MEMORY YERSE: “Pray for one an­ other” (Jas. 5:16). AIM: To teach the, joy of oneness in missionary e f ­ fort. A P P R O A C H : helped to tell others about ,the Lord Jesus was a missionary—some right here at home and some far away”’ The girls began talking about that, and about early missionaries, like Paul and Barnabas, and what they did. LESSON STORY: In their' home church, Paul and Barnabas were busy and happy all the time. One day, when they and other members were together, they all knew that the Lord wanted these two men to go away to other citips, telling about the Lord Jesus. It was as though the Lord said: “You have been faithful in speaking for Me here; I would like you to take the good news somewhere else now.” “Yes, you should go,” the Christians must have said, though they knew they would miss their two friends. “In a way, we shall go with you; we will pray for you.” (Read verse 3 aloud.) Because these two men obeyed the Lord by doing what He asked them, and because others prayed for them, we are not surprised that wonderful things happened. In one place where Paul preached, the whole city came out “hear thé word of God” (v. 44). Sometimes the people .who listened were angry, and sometimes they were 5 -Division “When, I grow up, I want to be a mis­ sionary,” Alice said to her friend, Jean. “Why, aren’t you one now?" Jean an­ swered. “I thought e v e r y b o d y who

EATINGTHROUGH! Read Amazing Article in March “ PRO PH ECY ” and see if you do not detect fumes of hell in present ravages”' of sin now resulting in unprecedented sacrifice of human life! * MARCH issue of PROPHECY MONTHLY will give you Much, startling information: r “ Warriors in Tight Spots”— Answer to a Chaplain’s a r t j p i e about prayers of soldiers-r-by Pitot. H. ’W\ Kellogg, “ Scape-Goat Complex“—"V^hat the V irus of Jew-hate Poes to Men-^, by Dr. K . L . Brooks. “ Demons Through Physical Con­ tact“ —A Revelation of dangerous cults—by Rev. J. P. Welliver. To hustling modern readers— j No magazine like Prophecy Monthly Official Handbook of American Pro­ phetic League, Inc. 4-Mo. trial offer only 25c, $1 Year U. S„ $1.15 Foreign. Gel BOOK BULLETIN of the League (free) for finest list of Bible study and prophetic material... * Box BB, Sta. Eagle Rock Los Angeles 41, Calif. Rev. Fred H. Wight, Exec. Sec.

Object Lesson “ M ’s" M essage

OBJECTS: A capital “M,” a globe or the world, and a pair of scissors. (Make the “M” by using a piece of white paper 8% xll inches. Fold in the middle, making the size 8%x 5% inches. With the fold on the left, cut' up along a line % inch from the fold to within 1% inches of the top. From this point, cut on a slant 4 inches to­ ward the lower right-hand corner, then slanting up to within 1 % inches of the top and % inch from the right side. From here, cut down the right .side to the bottom. When cutting out the top to finish the “M,” make a point on each side. Open the ~“M” and write “GO” near the point on the inside of the fold. Farther down the fold draw a red cross.) LESSON: This large “M” stands for a very important word—the word- “MISSIONARY.” Who will tell me what the word “MISSIONARY” means? “ It refers to one who takes’ the gos- • pel of Christ to the unsaved.” Yes, that is .a very good answer. If we go to the unsaved with anything other than the gospel of Christ, we are not missionaries. With these scissors, we will cut the “M” and see whether it tells us any­ thing more about, being a missionary. [Cut 1% inches from the bottom, and % of an inch from the fold, through the slanting bar, parallel with the folded side. When unfolded, this will make an arrow on which the word “GO” is printed.) When you see an arrow, such as this, you think of itb moving forward. This arrow has the word “GO” printed on it, as well as a red cross. We now see it going around the globe. Those who are real missionaries must go with the gospel of Christ to any part of the wo’rld where Christ wants them. [Reverse the top piece taken from the right side of the “M,” placing the


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