King's Business - 1944-03


March, 1944

For Those Who Have Topics t HELPING THE NON-CHRISTIAN. We see about .us many who are conscious of a lonely place in their hearts. The question is, “How are we to contact these people and tell them of the Person whom we have found, who more than fills the lonely place in our hearts?” Quickly the answer comes — “by extending a h e l p i n g hand." Martha, a high-school junior, was able to witness for her Lord in this very way. When a new student en­ tered Greenwood High, Martha vwas one of the first to welcome the new -. comer. A friendly, “We’re glad you’re here; what class are you in?” or “May I help you find your way around?” always helped to make a stranger feel more at home and less conscious of the staring eyes of the other students. Mathematics was easy for Martha, and she made many friends merely by helping those who found t h i s -subject difficult. The words of 1 John 3:17, 18 .apply very aptly here,: “But whoso hath t h i s world!s good, and seeth his brother have need, and shutteth up his bowels of compassion from him, how dwelleth the love Of God in him? My little chil­ dren, let us not love in word, neither in tongue; but in deed and in truth.” II. HELPING THE CHRISTIAN. The question now arises, “Are we to help only those outside of Christ?” Certainly we are to follow Christ’s example when He extended the help­ ing hand to all types of humanity, the believers as well as the unbe­ lievers. To return tq our origihal illustra­ tion, Martha would not have been nearly so val,,">ble a servant of Christ had she not continued to help those with whom she became acquainted and whom she led to a saving know­ ledge of her Lord. Her classmates would say, “I wish I could like people as easily as you seem to, Martha!” or “Martha, I wouldn’t have the patience to help those stupid mathematics students!”— and there was another opportunity to explain that because she loved her Lord, she also loved those about her and enjoyed helping them when­ ever, possible. in . HELPING THE W O R L D AT LARGE. One of the most important ques­ tions in the mind of a Christian high- school or college student is, “What course can I follow which will make me really valuable to Christ?” The consecrated Christian realizes that only in a life of service may he find the greatest happiness. A hand ex­ tended in service for Christ is a hand richly blessed.

Bethel Mision ofEastern Europe,Inc.

.. Founded by Rev. and Mrs. Leon I. Rosenberg . Headquarters: 252 N*. Dillon Street,.Los Angeles 26, Calif. :

VICTORY MIDST AFFLICTIONS The Latest News from our European Mission Field under Nazi dominion is more than ap­ palling, Yet our workers bear testimony of great victory. RESURRECTION POWER Laboring on the “ firing lines’* of unparalleled afflictions, they rejoice in the V IC TO R Y given them through the R ESU R R EC T IO N of the LORD J E S U S C H R IS T—-victory over death —over terrors and horrors of atrocious Nazlism —victory which, enables them to hold forth

Mrs. Rosenberg with a Group of Orphans

the Word of Life and to care for destitute orphans and starving children. GRATITUDE B E T H E L MISSION is thankful to the Lord for His blessings on the Mission Field and * is grateful to friends who, by their prayers and*fellowship, are a great help in time of tremendous need. A CHALLENGE The present events and Nazi ordeals In Eastern Europe not only multiply opportuni­ ties for gospel ministry among suffering Jews, but are a challenge for greater effort In our Evangelistic and Samaritan activities among survivors-^horrified men, womeo, and children. THE DOOR STILL OPEN B E T H E L MISSION thanks God that the “ door ds still open'» and that relief Is ad­ ministered by our representatives in Sweden and Switzerland. Friends who wish to know more about the Bethel Mission of Eastern Europe will receive a copy of our magazine “ Bethel W itness’* by addressing a post card to head­ quarters. The life story of Mrs. Rosenberg, co-founder of Bethel Mission, is in print. This illustrated booklet, “ From Darkness Into Light” may be purchased for 35 cents, postpaid. If your bookstore does not have it, write to Bethel Mission. The booklet is considered very interesting and a great blessing.


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