King's Business - 1944-03

TH E K I N G ’ S B U S I N E S S

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APRIL 30, 1944 PLANNING A WORTH-WHILE SUMMER M a r k 6:30-34; P h il ip p ia n s 4:4-9 By Dick Hillis For a summer to be worth while, It must be planned. Look back—what did you accomplish 1a s..t summer? Perhaps you made a little money, but you feel the summer was In a sense wasted. If you will accept a blueprint, you can build a'better sum­ mer. The navigator has a chart to show him where he is going. The runner sets his eyes on the goal. You, too, should have a chart to move by, and a goal to reach this summer. Why not face the summer with this question: How shall I get to know Jesus Christ in a more real and per­ sonal way? For Those Who Have Topics I. TO KNOW HIM. Perhaps the way to start is to do what the disciples did in Mark 6:30. They went to Jesus “and told him all things.” If we would do that, we would have a much happier summer. If we start out with a lot of weights, things in our lives that should not be there, we won’t get very far. I used to run the mile, while in high school. During track season, I put lead in my track shoes to make

them heavy so as to strengthen my muscles. On the day of the race, I took the weights out of my shoes, and my feet felt so light that it was easy to run. Start’ the summer, then, by laying “ aside every weight [every wrong thing in our lives], and the sin [unbelief] which doth so easily beset [upset] us” (Heb. 12:1). In Mark 6:31, Jesus took His dis­ ciples away for a rest. Note, the rest was away from the things of the world, but' w i t h the Lord Jesus Christ. Why not plan on attending a good s u m m e r conference? Forget that urge to make money, for your own sake, and make up ■your mind now that you will go some place where you will learn to know the Lord better. That will be a rest with a spiritual push behind it. If your summer is going to prove worth while, y o u ' must have some system or order about your Christian life. Every day of the summer should .start with your keeping an appoint­ ment with the Lord. Before musicians begin to play, they attend to their strings and see that their instruments are in order. Before a baker begins to bake, he sees wheth­ er he has the ingredients essential to successful cooking. Likewise it is nec­ essary for us who desire a joyful Christian experience to t u n e our hearts each day with ' God’s great heart, and to see that our lives are en­ riched by certain spiritual ingredients. Meet Him the first thing in the morning on your knees beside your bed, with His Book open before you. First, let Him speak to you through His Word (Heb. 4:12; Col. 3:16), and then you 'speak to Him in prayer (John 16:24; Matt. 7:7). After this, take two little pieces of paper and print two Scripture verses on them. Memorize these, and think of them often during the day. They will build up your Christian life. And then at the close of the day, you will want to come to Him with praise for His faithfulness. II. TO MAKE HIM KNOWN. Now for the last part of our goal— td make Him known. Perhaps you have been in a Sunday-school class all your life. This summer many Sun­ day-school teachers will be gone. This will give you opportunity to yolun- teer to take a class. Dont be a Dead- Sea Christian, one who just takes in and never gives out. Don’t just say you are going to . . do it. Make up your mind you are not going to back down on things you are asked to do. Take the meetings you are asked to lead. Plan the parties, do your part. See that every party is a good time according to Colossians 3:17, 23. If we will use these hints, we Will have a great time this summer.


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