King's Business - 1944-03


TH E K I N G ’ S B U S I N E S S

:READTHE BEST: J N 'C H R IS T IA N L IT E R A T U R E Send for our catalog: of publications, and receive free booklet, also. WESTERN BOOK & TRACT CO.( Inc. Dr, H. A, Ironside, President 1719 Franklin St. Oakland 13. Calif. A B I B L E F B E E For just a little effort! Send 25c for mailing expense of samples and full details. This offer is limited. w Knowledge of His saving grace brought to thousands through ourTracts each year. Have your share in this soul-winning ministry. Here are Gospel Messages, keyedtothe times, attractive and forceful; appealing and convincing. Also Tract Racks, Post Cards, Cellophane Sheets, etc. Big assortment. Send only 25c. Dc p L KB FAITH, PRAYER &TRACTLEAGUE, Muskegon Hts., Mich. Phone VAndike 9483 # E R I C K P E T E R S O N FIRST CLASS SHOE REPAIRING 730 W. Sixth St. Los Angeles 14, Calif. CHILDREN’S BIBLE LEAGUE North Manchester (K) Indiana

sages left, we took the last two com­ partments in first class. Mr. and Mrs. Williams had arrived by taxi and oc­ cupied the other compartment. Before we sailed, we learned that Bali had fallen, Borneo was gone, Celebes had fallen, and Singapore was lost, The entire Dutch East Indies was ■in Japanese hands except the southern part of Sumatra and Java. The Way Home Sailing back across the Java Sea which we had crossed just a week be­ fore, we saw instances of God’s care. An oil tanker, fired by Japanese bombs, told of the nearness of danger. The next morning as we passed through the Sunda Straits, two sub­ marines suddenly surfaced and tor­ pedoed our boat. Two Dutch mine­ layers that were escorting us through the straits sped over to give combat and the submarines submerged. “We’ve been very lucky,” the Dutch Captain said with evident relief. Harry Post, a fellow missionary standing by, asked, “Captain, do you mean that?” The Captain’s face reddened and he said, “No, I know what you mean. God has helped us.” \ . Certainly it was His hand that pro­ tected us in that instance and in many others. Nine or ten days later when we reached Australia, we learned that five of a convoy of eleven ships right behind us had been sunk by those Japanese subs. Leaving Australia and New Zealand, we zig-zagged toward America. Sixty- one days were spent on the 16,t)00 ton Dutch vessel on which we had ob­ tained third class passage. Changing course approximately every e i g h t minutes, we finally reached the Pan­ ama Canal. It was April when we crossed the Caribbean Sea—April, 1942, when, in that district, a ship was sent to the bottom every day by Axis submarines. Then, one memorable day, we sailed into the Mississippi River and ianded in New Orleans, because God had heard and answered our prayers. Three months' from our inland sta­ tion in Borneo to get to-New Orleans —three months of seeing light only on the next step—three months of ex­ periencing God’s daily leading and protection. We do not understand why God so definitely led us out and brought us home when others of our fellow mis­ sionaries are still out there, in Jap­ anese occupied Borneo. But God’s ways are perfect and we cannot question. We do know it was He who led us safely here. One of these glad days we are going back, if the Lord tarries, going back to bring again to the dark-skinned Dyaks of Borneo the good news that “Jesus saves.” In the meantime our ministry is of prayer* even as it is yours. [The End]

OUT OF BORNEO [ Continued from Page 89]

We tried to convince the Captain he should change his course, pointing south and nodding our heads vigor­ ously. He would look at the top of the sail, see how the wind was blow­ ing, feel the tug of the rudder, and ' then continue in the same direction he was going. At first we were concerned and prayed about it. But God 'comforted our hearts and we knew the way He led would be the best. The Eurasian had no such comfort. Finally he could stand it no longer. He went to the Captain and angrily demanded him to change his course. The pld Captain smiled, nodded, and continued the way he was going. Land Ahead On the fourth morning, my wife sat up suddenly and said, “That looks like land to me.” A Javanese boy scrambléd up the mast and called down, “ Yes, it’s land.” And land surely never looked any better to Columbus than it did to us that morning. It was about three in the afternoon before we came to the shores of Java and asked the Javanese boy the name of the port “Tegal,” he replied. I was amazed. That was the very place We wanted to go! Then I knew that the Chinese Captain had kept the junk headed southwest but that it had actuàlly traveled due south. He had made allowance for the wind and current, and we sailed right into the bay of Tegal without bearing to the left or right one metre! The officials who came out to meet us were none too friendly at first. They had been watching us all day, they said, and had thought we might be an advance party of the Japanese coming. We had not had proper food for days, the men were unshaven and we all needed baths. Our passport pic­ tures looked less like us than ever, so .it is little wonder the Dutch of­ ficial was suspicious. But he was soon his gracious self; offering us money and sending us to his own home for food and baths. A little later we left by train for Batavia, the most important town in the East Indies. The city experienced ten raids while we were waiting there, seeking a boat to take us to Australia. It Was my wife's custom to spend time in prayer while I was out looking for a boat. One day when I had re­ turned with disappointing news, she said she felt we should call Soerabaja, a large town on the eastern end of Java. We called the American Counsul there. Excitedly, he told us a boat was leaving any time and we should get there as quickly as possible. In a few minutes we had paid our bill and taken a taxi to the station. Since there were no second class pas-

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