King's Business - 1944-03


March, 1944

v ic t o r y ’ is l a n d [ Continued from Page 87]

D r . F r a n k H . G u e rn s e y

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OPTOMETRIST 415 Park Central Bldg.

between Mom and Marion, singing the old songs and listening to Pastor White tell the simple story o f , the cross! He could hear his pastor’s voice even n ow and, without thinking, Chris reached for his Testament and opened -to Matthew 27 and 28. While the native service went on around him, he read the chapters slowly io himself. He followed in his mind the troubled handful of Christians as they went with their Lord to Golgotha. He saw Him nailed to the cross. He felt the intense darkness, and suffered with the disciples as Christ was taken from the cross and laid in the tomb. - “As it began to dawn,” he went with the women to the sepulcher, experienc­ ing their grief. The sun was just coming up, now, far out over expanse. In­ stantly the water near the b e a c h changed to vivid cobalt, with touches of purple and the flame of emerald as the sun’s rays struck the waves. Chris caught his breath. Even as the sudden coming to life of the seascape, so must havei been the quickening of heart in the disciples as they knew their Lord had risen from the dead! Suddenly Chris bowed his head. He saw it all now. Christ had died for him. But He was a living Christ, risen from the grave. “Lord, forgive me, a sinner,” he prayed, and was not ashamed of the tears that sprang to his eyes. Now he knew what Marion had meant by “ conversion.” Now he knew why that nameless' missionary who was respon­ sible for this group of brown-skinned natives whose voices were lifted in praise to God from the beach of a tiny island in the wide Pacific, had felt it no waste to live his brief life here, and to die, if by that others might be brought into the Light. He looked up at Sam, leading his group in the closing song, and won­ dered whether he could make him un­ derstand what it had meant to one lonely flyer, not only to be rescued from a grave in the sea, but also to obtain eternal life through Ch r i s t . Joy filled him, even before his trained ear picked up the sound of a plane’s motor, and he knew somehow it was the fellows looking for him. Chris never would have believed he would leave the island with regret. Tears stung his eyes for the second time that morning as he clasped Sam’s brown hand and told him good-by. “Maybe,” he said huskily, "maybe when the war is over, I will come back here.” Sam smiled joyously. “You go fight now, white man,” he said. “You come back when fight is over. You be our White Teacher, then.”

A m NF - i S P j J J æ M

412 West Sixth Street, Near Hill

VAndike 1928

Los Angeles, 14

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