VETgirl Q2 2019 Beat e-Newsletter


DR. ANDREW HILLIER BVSC, MANZCVS (CANINE MEDICINE), DACVD Medical Lead Dermatology, Veterinary Specialty Operations, Zoetis Petcare


4 What else is important in finding long-term solutions? • How we communicate and interact with today’s pet owner is crucial. They want to be educated (keep it high level), they want to hear the options (a brief description of the main options, maybe 15-30 seconds maximum), they want to partner with us and be part of the process instead of just being told what to do. I always like to finish any conversation with an open-ended question (“do you have any questions?” or “how do you feel about that?”) to be sure that they are comfortable with the situation and feel included. • Prepare for the flare – be honest and let owners know that occasional flares may occur, but they will be less than in the past. If their pet has a relapse, don’t stop any medications – recheck the dog and go through the key workup points again (parasites, infection, dietary indiscretion). If none of those, it may just be that pet’s severe allergy season and they need a little temporary help for the anchor treatment with a second medication for a few weeks or months.

Do not use in breeding, pregnant, or lactating dogs. Most common side effects are vomiting and diarrhea. APOQUEL has been used safely with many common medications including parasiticides, antibiotics and vaccines. For more information, please see the full Prescribing Information available at CYT-00353 LEARN MORE

Important Safety Information Do not use APOQUEL® (oclacitinib tablet) in dogs less than 12 months of age or those with serious infections. APOQUEL may increase the chances of developing serious infections, and may cause existing parasitic skin infestations or pre-existing cancers to get worse. APOQUEL has not been tested in dogs receiving some medications including some commonly used to treat skin conditions such as corticosteroids and cyclosporine.


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