2024 Wellstar Nursing Report

EXEMPLARY PRACTICE Home health trio goes the extra mile WELLSTAR ACUTE SERVICES – HOME HEALTH Delivering home health services can be one of the most demanding roles in nursing.

Over the years, Christy Evans, BSN, RN, Anna Bettikofer, LPN and Lauren Womack, LPN have been responsible for providing home health care to countless patients in Paulding County. As a team, these three collaborate to provide patient-centered care to over 55 patients at any given time. As an RN, Christy is dependent on the expertise of both Anna and Lauren to be her eyes and ears when she cannot see their patients. This trio is committed to providing PeopleCare to all they encounter and to ensure their patients are regularly discharged from home health services with goals met. Both compassion and a commitment to excellence are required to identify and overcome obstacles to meet those goals.

Below are just a few examples of the care they provide: n For one patient, Christy took the time to assist an elderly mother in using a Hoyer-lift and place an alternating pressure pad on her daughter’s hospital bed to manage a stubborn wound. n Anna returned to another patient’s home (who she had seen earlier in the morning) to assist and provide troubleshooting efforts on a pacemaker transmission. n At a joint visit with Lauren, leadership watched her display compassion to an anxious patient, while calling 911, due to an elevated blood pressure and an infected wound. n

Christy Evans, BSN, RN | Home Health Nurse

Anna Bettikofer, LPN | Home Health Nurse

Lauren Womack, LPN | Home Health Nurse


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