ManualEdgePT_The Importance of Continuing Your Physical The…




Just Because It’s Summer Doesn’t Mean You Can’t Still Benefit from Physical Therapy! With the summer months upon us, we understand that many of our patients will be busy and may not have the time they used to. Because of this, it is a trend that many patients opt to cut out their physical therapy sessions in the summer months. While we understand the busy summer schedules with vacations, work, preparing children for summer camps, etc., we still want you to be safe, healthy, and comfortable in the summer months – so you can enjoy the warm weather without pain! At Manual Edge Physiotherapy, we will work around your busy schedule to find a time that works best for you – so you can still get all your summer activities done while still taking care of yourself and continuing your physical therapy sessions! For more information on keeping physical therapy sessions as part of your routine during the busy summer months, don’t hesitate to contact Manual Edge Physiotherapy today. I’m having trouble finding time for physical therapy – what should I do? As the saying goes, “where there’s a will, there’s a way.” If you are

looking to keep your physical therapy sessions as part of your routine, we can find a way to help you fit that into your busy schedule.

One tip for finding time to include physical therapy into your life is taking a look at your schedule and blocking out time for your physical health. Does your schedule leave little time to fit in physical activity? Perhaps you have a full day of commuting to and from your 9-5 job, preparing your kids for their summer excursions, volunteering, or acting as a chauffeur while the kids are out of school. However, even adding 30 minutes into your busy routine for a quick PT session with your therapist can make a big difference in helping maintain your physical function. In addition to finding time for physical therapy, try your best to set aside some time each day to exercise. Try taking a walk during your lunch break, going to the gym in the morning before making your commute, or even treating yourself to an exercise class a couple nights a week – you deserve it!

If you are experiencing aches and pains, our physical therapists would be more than happy to meet with you for a consultation to discuss how they can help. Call us today to talk to an expert about how we can relieve your aches and pains!

Call Today 719-694-8342


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