Annual Report 2022-2023

Our story The NORTH Foundation has always been focused on raising funds to improve community wellbeing by supporting innovative medical research, the delivery of exceptional patient care, and health promotion activities. In 2018 the NORTH Foundation was established, and a CEO appointed to create one body to fundraise for the NSLHD hospitals and the Kolling Institute. This streamlined fundraising and put dedicated resources towards fundraising and philanthropy. With a five year strategy in place, an affiliation agreement was put in place between the NSLHD and the NORTH Foundation. This led to quick growth of the organisation as community fundraising initiatives, a senior leadership team and a grants program were all put in place. In 2021 the NORTH Foundation (Health Promotion Charity) gained DGR1 status. Since then, a regular giving program and a bequests program have been launched and the team has rapidly expanded. As awareness of the NORTH Foundation across the district grows, more of our beneficiaries are seeing the direct impact of donations through both tied and untied funding.

Our beneficiaries

Royal North Shore Hospital was established in 1885 and is a major teaching hospital and trauma centre in NSW. The hospital cares for more than 1.1 million patients a year, which equates to one in every five people living in NSW.

The Adolescent and Young Adult Hospice opened in 2023, providing age-appropriate care, specific to the needs of adolescents and young adults with life- limiting conditions requiring short-term supportive care, symptom management, or end-of-life care.


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