John D Wilson | Art

“The edition of paintings entitled ‘The Masters’ came about by choosing the most famous and most recognisable paintings of all time. When painting a gallery scene it can be difficult to get any depth into a picture so I try to achieve this by painting layers of walls getting further and further back, giving the appearance of depth on a flat canvas. Some of my own favourite artists that have influenced me the most are Lowry, Lichtenstein, Van Gogh and Max Hayslette. You will see that these are artists I tend to use quite often in my paintings. As an artist you can never say that you know it all. Every day you are experimenting with something or other, maybe colours or textures or subject matter. Whatever it may be it’s what makes this job so exciting to me. My studio is like a magnet to me every time I walk past the door and get that smell of linseed and turpentine I’m drawn inside. I always look at things through rose coloured glasses, I like to look for the good in things and I try to depict this in my paintings. I like to think that when people look at my pictures it will cheer them up and put a smile on their faces.“

People often ask me what all the famous paintings are within my paintings;so this time I thought I’d make it a little easier and provide a key to all my mimmasterpieces.

THEMASTERS II Edgar Degas – Danseuse Rajustant Son Chausson Leonardo DaVinci – Mona Lisa Paul Cezanne –ViewOf L’Estaque &The Chateau D’if Edward Manet –The Grand Canal,Venice AndyWarhol – Campbells Soup Can David Hockney –The Bigger Splash Gustav Klimt –The Kiss Wassily Kandinsky – Farbstudie Quadrate Edward Hopper – Nighthawks Henri DeToulouse-Lautrec – La Clownesse Cha-U-Kao

INTHE SPOTLIGHT Mondrian – CompositionWith Red,Yellow & Blue

THEMASTERS I Matisse – Bathing InThe Reeds Salvador Dali –The Persistence Of Memory Whistler –TheArtist’s Mother Constable –The Haywain Van Gogh –VaseWith Sunflowers Mark Rothko – No.14 Pablo Picasso –WomanAsleep InAnArmchair

BEDTIME STORY Braque – Couple D’oiseaux Picasso –War & Peace

Edvard Munch –The Scream Roy Lichtenstein –The Kiss

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