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sticks or identifying and avoiding poison ivy or poison oak. After the conclusion of the activity, the campers were divided into teams with different meal-prep responsibilities. Some campers helped chop veggies, others collected twigs and wood to build a fire, and some helped with the cleanup. We ate our dinner around the campfire before concluding the night with songs, roasting marshmallows, and eating s’mores. Finally, we’d climb into our sleeping bags, the sound of buzzing crickets humming us to sleep. The overnight was a crucial component to the camp experience. It pushed us campers outside of our comfort zones and taught us new skills that helped us develop self-confidence, self-reliance, and independence. Putting up and taking down a tent, building a fire, preparing a collective outdoor meal, and sharing fears and excitement of experiencing something unknown helped to strengthen the bonds of friendship and trust among the campers and their counselors. Over my many summers at camp, the overnights became one of the nights I looked forward to the most. This summer, I hope that everyone has an opportunity to spend some time outdoors, perhaps disconnected from their electronics, to learn a new skill, or simply to reconnect to nature.
3 NOODLE HACKS YOU HAVE TO TRY AFTER POOL SEASON You may only have a few more weeks of great pool weather left, so soak it up while you can! Afterward, you may find yourself taking stock of the pool toys that survived this season or notice an end-of- season sale on pool noodles. Don’t scoff! These fun pool toys can also be handy tools around the home. DON’T THROW AWAY THOSE POOL NOODLES!
Check out these affordable life hacks that are all thanks to the common pool noodle.
Protect Your Vehicle Create extra padding and prevent scratches and dings just by manipulating a few pool noodles. If you have a tight garage space, cut pool noodles lengthwise and slide them over garage beams, work benches, or other items that are frequently hit by your car door. The noodle will take the blow, and your car won’t get dinged! Another easy way to protect your car is to attach pool noodles to the top of a vehicle’s luggage rack. This will prevent your cargo from scratching the top of your vehicle! (Just be sure to strap everything down so it doesn’t slide off.) Stop the Pinch Pool weather may be ending, but trampoline season is still in full swing. Despite how fun trampolines can be, they can be risky. But pool noodles can help relieve some of your fears. Simply measure the length of a single spring on your trampoline and cut pool noodles into same-length sections so you have one piece for every spring. Then, cut the noodle pieces lengthwise and fit them over the springs. You may need to replace the noodles every few months, but fingers and hair will be protected from those sturdy metal jaws. Relieve Pain As we age, life takes its toll, so why not have a little cushion? A pool noodle is an easy solution for this. You can cut a pool noodle the length of your keyboard, and then cut it in half to create a soft and affordable wrist guard at your desk. Try the same method with ladder rungs to protect your knees and shins or cover handles with noodles for an easier grip!
Our former client and forever friend Catrena inspires us for her positive attitude, loving nature, and passionate spirit. Catrena serves as the Workforce Diversity Manager in the Office of Diversity and Inclusion for the City of Columbus. There, she helps to shape the workforce culture into one that is more inclusive and welcoming to all city employees. Catrena encourages acceptance of others, seeing the unique greatness within every individual.
When she is not working, she spends her time with family, especially her beautiful daughter Rhyan. Catrena’s favorite quote is:
“Diversity is being invited to the party. Inclusion is being asked to dance.”
Need a few more noodle hacks in your life? Reader’s Digest has you covered. Check out their extensive list online at RD.com.
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