Quantum Leap: Harnessing the power of AI at scale

The challenge While structural and technical problems are common in quantum computing applications, there are a few other challenges that appear simple but can hamper progress. Lack of awareness: Companies are aware of quantum computing, but the majority struggle to understand what it means for their industry and business, or whether their classical problems can be graduated to quantum problems. There is a pressing need to enhance awareness among business leaders on the magnitude and depth of quantum computing, and what it can do for them. Lack of understanding: Not all pharmacists, biologists or industry professionals understand the potential and possibilities of quantum computing and how to reap noteworthy benefits from this technology. Shortage of talent: While the industry produces quantum computing professionals, those with specialization in physics and chemistry are few. The shortage in talent acts as a tough barrier to the growth of the quantum industry.

Conclusion While the possibilities are limitless and the technology is still evolving, the real worth of quantum computing can be felt by businesses in the next five to ten years. Till then, efforts to create awareness of how the technology works and the kind of problems it can solve have to continue. To leverage the power of this technology, a growing network of quantum computing workforce is a must.

Our approach Fractal Quantum AI research lab is developing ‘Day after tomorrow Research & Solutions.’ For this, we have been investing and executing deep research to develop application-focused frameworks on life sciences, financial services, and optimization solutions. While the research and application outcomes will benefit life sciences, pharmaceuticals, material sciences, and financial services industries, the optimization arenas like supply chain, vehicle routing, workforce scheduling would also stand to gain.


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