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BIOLA COLLEGE is dedicated to the training of young men and women for service throughout the world. Graduates of Biola are found in every comer of the globe witnessing for the Saviour. Where can your consecrated Christian dollar go further in the Lord’s service? Thousands are members.of the Biola Fellowship who regu larly and monthly contribute for the various ministries of Biola. You too can become a part of this extensive fellowship and receive the blessings from the Biola Broadcaster which records the Gospel messages that are sent out over the radio each month.
BIOLA COLLEGE Stewardship Department 558 So Hope St. Los Angeles 17, Calif. □ I am interested in training at Biola. | | | would like to know how I can help to train young people at Biola. Name ............................................................ Address ................ -......................................... City & State ...................................................
T h e K i n g * © B u s i n e s s A PUBLICATION OF THE BIBLE INSTITUTE OF LOS ANGELES, INCORPORATED Louis T. Talbot, Chancellor • S. H. Sutherland, President • Ray A. Myers, Board Chairman AUGUST, in the year of our Lord Vol. 56, No. 8 Nineteen Hundred and Sixty-five Established 1910 Dedicated to the spiritual development of the Christian home M u MONEY COUNTERS IN THE TEMPLE — Glenn O'Neal ............... 10 W ITH STAND ING THE ATTACKS — Edgar R. Koons ................... 12 HOME — Merv Rosell ............................................................ 15 INNOCENT HANDS — Fred Dabold ......................................... 16 WASTED GEMS — Vance Havner ............................................ 18 LIVING CLOSE THE THRONE — Norman P. Grubb ..................... 20 T IME IS RUNN ING OUT — Pitirim Sorokin ................................ 30 SCRIPTURAL ASPECTS OF CAPITAL PUN ISHMENT — Ronald S. Warford ................................................... 32 AN OPEN LETTER TO A TEENAGE BOY ................................... 36 FedwiM EDITORIAL — Samuel H. Sutherland ......................................... 4 DR. TALBOT'S QUESTION BOX — Louis T. Talbot ..................... 22 SCIENCE A N D THE BIBLE — Bolton Davidheiser ........................ 24 BOOK REVIEWS — Arnold D. Ehlert ......................................... 25 TALKING IT OVER — Clyde M. Narramore ................................ 26 JUNIOR K ING 'S BUSINESS — Martha Hooker ............................ 34 CeiuiNM PEOPLE IN THE NEWS ........................................................... 6 READER REACTION ................................................................ 8 PRESENTING THE MESSAGE ................................................... 23 UNDER THE PARSONAGE ROOF — Althea S. Miller ................... 27 CULTS CRITIQUE — Betty Bruechert ......................................... 28 PERSONAL EVANGELISM— Benjamin Weiss .............................. 29 COVER Photographer Darwin Van Campen catches the scene of a "lazy summer day." The scene is set in the White Mountains of Arizona just off of U.S. 666 along the road to Buffalo Crossing in the Apache National Forest. Because of the striking beauty, we have eliminated the large masthead so that the many readers who save these covers may take full advantage of the picture. — All Rights Reserved —
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S. H. SUTHERLAND: Editor A L SANDERS: Managing Editor BETTY BRUECHERT: Copy Editor
JANE M. CLARK: Circulation Manager
VIRG IN IA SCHWEPKER: Production Manager EDITORIAL BOARD: William Bynum, Bolton Davidheiser, Arnold D. Ehlert, Charles L Feinberg, James O. Henry, Martha S. Hooker
SUBSCRIPTION INFORMATION — "The King's Business" is published monthly. U.S., its possessions, and Canada, $3.00 one year; $1.50 six months, 30 cents, single copy. Clubs of three or more at special rates. Write for details. Foreign subscription 75 cents extra. It requires one month for a change of address to become effective. Please send both old and new addresses. REMITTANCES — Should be made by bank draft, express, or post office money order payable to "The King's Business/'
ADVERTISING — for information address the Advertising Manager, The King's Business, 558 South Hope Street, Los Angeles 17, California. MANUSCRIPTS — "The King's Business" cannot accept responsibility for loss or damage to manuscripts mailed to us for consideration. Second-class postage paid at Los An geles, California. Printed in U.S.A. by Church Press, Glendale, California. ADDRESS: The King's Business, 558 So. Hope St., Los Angeles 17, California.
MARRIED COUPLES ELOHIM BIBLE INSTITUTE Castile, New York Family Bible School for Married Folks! One of the Church's greatest potentials for Christ's service is in the Bible believing mar ried couples of America who are willing to dedicate their lives to HIM and follow that dedication with thorough Bible preparation. 152 graduates serving CHRIST on 74 home and foreign fields. Couples with children accepted. If you mean business with God, write Rev. Donald M. Pericins, Box 415, Castile, N.Y.
A l m o s t e v e r y t i m e we turn around these days, we are con fronted with additional evidence o f the utter decadence of Protestantism in our beloved land. The San Francisco Theological Seminary, which is the Presbyterian denominational seminary for the west coast, provides one o f the latest (to date) bits o f proof revealing the depths to which modernism or liberalism has sunk in recent years. O f course the downward plunge was started shortly after the turn o f the century when the relatively new system o f unbelief which developed into modernism first began to rear its ugly head. This system o f denial o f everything that is vital to historic Christianity could lead only to a complete breakdown o f morality as taught in the Scriptures, and there were those o f that generation who loudly, but futilely proclaimed that fact. Alas, there were vast numbers o f ministers and lay leaders in the Presbyterian church who tried to be "Christian” in their attitudes toward these defectors from the faith. So instead o f eliminating these unbelievers, they harbored, nurtured, coddled and encour aged them to continue to proclaim their nefarious doctrines within the "great Presbyterian Church” because it was unthinkable that the denomination could become seriously infected by such a virus. It was supposed to be too strong, virile and sound for anything like that. But, alas, the dire prophecies o f those defenders o f the faith o f that generation have proven to be tragically true until, today, what goes on within the Presbyterian Church without anyone’s hardly raising an eyebrow is scarcely less than scandalous. In a recent issue o f the magazine entitled Challenge, published by the students o f the San Francisco Theological Seminary, there appeared a number o f poems, an article by the President, Dr. Theodore Gill, and other authors which reveal an utterly nauseat ing condition apparently condoned by the administration o f the seminary and also by the entire Presbyterian denomination, (unless future action against the seminary reveals otherwise.) Among other poems and articles in the magazine, there appears a poem titled "Mary.” It is a rather lengthy poem, o f which the opening and closing blasphemous lines read:
CEYLON and INDIA GENERAL MISSION and Pakistan Christian Fellowship Our Ministry includes LEPROSY CLIN ICS
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ATTRACTIVE GOSPEL LITERATURE To help Christian railroaders, airmen, bus drivers, postal employees, witness in their world of contacts. Write for samples: RA ILW AY M ISSIONS 8 - 37th Street Toronto 14, Canada $1600 CONTEST for WRITERS OF UNPUBLISHED MANUSCRIPTS. Send for contest rules and free Brochure on pub lishing your book. Dept. KB Pageant Press, 101 Fifth Avenue, New York 3 REDLANDS V ILLAGE GREEN
for discerning residents in a “ companion community” FEATURES INCLUDE all-electric ranges, refrigera tors, wall - t o - wall carpets, draperies, air - conditioning and forced air heat. To see lovely models, or for a descriptive brochure and map con tact manager. 1125 Pine Street Phone: 792-1805 Redlands, California
First, I’ve got nothing to say About anything that happened Before Joseph and I Got married. Jesus was our child.
Joseph’s and mine. You can believe it or not, Suit yourself. He was my first born So naturally I thought He was something special. So, He’s the Messiah They say I rather he stayed A carpenter Married a nice Jewish girl And give me a lot o f Fat little grandchildren.
U S E B I B L E T R A C T S by Evangelist Paul J. Levin
Write for samples needed to win souls. Tracts are appealing in color, art and printing. Ask for "H i Jo, Whattaya Know?" and "Liberty." Act now. BIBLE TRACTS, INC. Box 508-K Waterloo, Iowa
with the Gospel for 31 years. Over 200 million Russians and other Slavs can be reached by radio. We need financial help to continue our broadcasts. Write for FREE Gospel news giagazine. Send donations to: | SLAVIC GO SPEL ASSO CIATIO N Peter Deyneka. General Director | Dept K, 2434N. Kedzie Blvd., Chicago, III. 60647^
A significant portion o f the magazine includes a defense o f homosexuality. Indeed, the lead article in the magazine is written by Dr. Theodore Gill, the President o f the Seminary. It is entitled "Freedom to Read.” The article is confined almost completely to a vicious attack upon individuals who try to act in the role o f a censor o f this heinous sin. It was this same Dr. Gill who, when he became President o f the San Francisco Seminary, jolted an appreciable portion o f the Presbyterian denomination with some o f his views on the virgin birth o f Christ. But even that was mild compared with what is going on at the present time. And to think these are the present- day seminary students who, when they graduate, will be moving into Presbyterian pulpits across our land! Shades o f John Calvin, John Knox, John 'Witherspoon, Charles Hodge and a noble army, men and boys, who in generations past made a most notable contribution to the cause o f Jesus Christ through the great Presbyterian denomination! To think that this once mighty denomination has degenerated to the point where apparently there is no one with enough God-given conviction and a sufficient faith in the truths o f the Word o f God to raise a voice in protest against these revolting developments. Are there not any ministers in the Presbyterian Church ready to speak out against this sort o f infamy? Has the machinery o f the church so completely throttled the voice o f the individual pastor that he dare not speak up in protest? The orthodoxy which is so loudly proclaimed by some o f the ministers o f the Presbyterian Church sounds rather hollow indeed, in the light o f the depths to which this once great denomination has plunged in its moral and spiritual decline. To think, there are doubtless multiplied thousands o f God-fearing, God-honoring, Bible-believing Christian laymen who blindly continue to contribute their dedicated offerings to the boards and agencies o f the church which, in turn, supports and propagates this ideology originating in the pit itself. God grant that, somehow, there might come an awakening on the part o f His people that will move them to rise up and demand a thorough house-cleaning o f all those who teach this sort o f blasphemy, as well as those who have fellowship with them! AUGUST, 1965
Peopleh theHem
WE ARE . . . Training Indians to reach Indians for Christ in a 3-year Bible curriculum. GRADUATES: Pastors, Teachers, and Evangelists. TUITION FREE Low Room and Board costs write to: IND IAN BIBLE ACADEMY Box 158 Cottonwood, Arizona Sponsored by: Conservative Baptist Home Mission Society
Don Hustad has been appointed to a position at Philadelphia College of
ed to the Senate in 1944. He was au thor of the Dilworth Act, which en abled school boards to discharge Communist teachers. Senator Dil worth has served on the Board of Directors of the Bible Institute of Los Angeles, Inc. Lol« Carlson, wife of Dr. Paul Carl son, missionary surgeon murdered in the recent uprising in the Congo, is writing his life story for publi cation early in 1966 by Harper & Row. The title will be “ Paul Carl son, M.D.” Starting with her hus band’s early years, Mrs. Carlson will describe his boyhood, his decision to give up the rewards of a doctor’s secure life in California in exchange for mission work in the Congo, his labors in the Congo, and the final tragic drama that took her hus band’s life. Dr. Arthur M. Climenhaga, executive director of the National Association series were Dr. Clyde W. Taylor, gen eral director of NAE; Dr. Hudson T. Armerdlng, president of Wheaton Col lege; and Rev. George McNeill, execu tive secretary of the National Sun day School Association. Horace L. Fenton, Jr., missionary member of the Latin America Mis sion since 1948, has been named to succeed the late Dr. R. Kenneth Strachan as general director of the Latin America Mission. Mr. Fenton min istered 13 years in the pastorate and as a chaplain of the Army Air Force in Europe during World War II. Prior to beginning his mission ary service with LAM in 1948, he served on the Mission’s board of trustees. James Draper, station manager for WMBI, recently announced that the FCC has granted Moody Bible Insti tute’s Chicago FM station WMBI- FM, permission to increase its power to 100,000 watts. The boost will double its present output, mak ing it Chicago’s third most powerful FM station. Mr. Draper says the in crease will provide better reception for listeners. DR. CLIM ENHAGA of E vange lica ls, spoke recently on t h e N a t i o n a l Broadcasting Com pany series “ Faith in Action.” For the month of July, the theme was “Con cepts in Spiritual Renewal.” On .the three Sundays, speakers for the
Bible as a consult ant in church-re lated music. Dr. Hustad served for many years as the director of the Sa cred Music Depart ment at Moody Bible In s titu te , and currently is the o r g a n is t for
DR. HUSTAD the Billy Graham Evangelistic Team, in which ca pacity he continues to serve. Ac cording to Mr. Alfred E. Lunde, di rector of the Music Department at PCB, Dr. Hustad will visit the campus from time to time in confer ence with the music faculty, the cur riculum committee, and officers of ad ministration. His actual duties will consist of objectively surveying and criticizing the present music pro gram. Frit* Ridenour, managing editor of Teach, the award-winning Sunday school idea magazine published by Gospel Light Publications, has intro duced another useful section of helps for Sunday school superin tendents entitled, “Worship Pro gram Outlines for Juniors and Youth.” These provide starter ideas and inexpensive resource suggestions which can help even the inexperi enced department superintendent plan and carry out a true worship program that fits his particular age group. “ Teach Worship Program Outlines are designed to help busy department superintendents guide their students in worship, without ‘opening exercises’,” states Mr. Ri denour. Jarrell McCracken, president of Word Records, Inc., announced that Word
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Books will release its first five titles this month at the ----- Evangelical Press A s s o c ia t io n con vention in Chica go. A second group of titles will be re leased in January 1966.
Nelson S. Dilworth, retired Califor nia State Senator, died recently in Hemet, California. S en a to r Dil worth, who did not seek re-election in 1960 after four four-year terms in theLegislature’s senior house, began his state political career as assemblyman in 1936. He was elect-
N am e-
Address- City____
Today, more than ever, the precept holds good: train up a child in the way he should go. There can be no better way, there can be no better book, than the Bible. C A M B R I D G E U N I V E R S I T Y PRESS, t h i r t y t w o
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AUGUST, 1965
FLANNELGRAPHS from GENESIS to REVELATION Make your talks dynamic, your teaching easier with Story-O-Graphs Bible Characters. REALISTIC, LIFE-LIKE DRAWINGS, full COLOR, • large size. 13 colorful hand painted backgrounds. Vis-U-Fold , . . Aluminum Telescopic Tripod and'fabric board folds into compact roll. Write for FREE folder and price list to: STORY-O-GRAPHS, P.O. Box 145-M, Dept. KB, Pasadena 16, Calif.
EDITORIAL COMMENTS The editorials in THE KING’S BUSINESS are worth the price of the magazine alone. Please let me know if these are being put into reprints. I certainly could use a good supply each month. Mr. and Mrs. Robert B. Lind, Hayward, California Recently a neighbor of ours loaned us several issues of THE KING’S BUSINESS and we have enjoyed them so much. I would like to compliment you on such editorials as the one in the September 1964 issue. We agree with you for we feel so strongly that the issue of communism needs to be brought out into the open and that peo ple need to study and be made aware of what we are up against as things are in the world today. . . . We praise the Lord for the stand you take. Mrs. B. M. Crippin, Tucson, Arizona We always enjoy the articles so very much in THE KING’S BUSINESS. We missed Dr. Sutherland’s editorial in the April issue. We were glad to see the article, “ Christian Schools” (May issue.) Thank you so much for your articles on the Bible being the Word of God. I am so glad we are liv ing today and are seeing prophecy ful filled before our eyes. Mrs. i. Den Hollander, Pasadena, California OLD M AGA ZIN E S USED FOR BEACH FRONT M IN IST RY We want to take this opportunity to let you know that the back issues of your magazines have truly been a blessing not only to us but to many of the people with whom we work. Ours is a ministry to the poor and underprivileged along the ocean-front area of Venice, Calif. Few realize the destitute conditions and the depth of sin some of these people are in. All the magazines you have donated to us are given as tracts to those who come. The people are very anxious to receive them. For the most part they are not able to subscribe themselves. Many of these people come out of such a life of sin with no Christian or even church background that magazines are the only way they have of knowing about the Lord. The Lord has surely used King’s Business to draw many a soul to Him self and to cause many to grow in the grace and knowledge of their Saviour thereby. Rev. Fred H. Hilst, Pastor of The Bible Tabernacle, Venice, California E d . N ote : Subscribers who have back issues of The King’s Business which they are not using are invited to send them directly to Pastor Hilst. THE KING'S BUSINESS
Sel ctYourChristmasMusicfrom These... CANTATAS THE BLESSED MORN Talmadge W. Dean. Unison with descant for children’s choirs. Narration may be sung or spoken by medium voice adult. Performance time: about 18 minutes. $1.00 Record: 7-inch, 33% rpm. Mono. $1.49 Program folder: 500, $8.00; 1,000, $14.00 L0! A STAR Robert Graham. Unison and two-parts for children’s voices. Takes about 14 minutes to perform. $1.00 Record: 7-inch, 33% rpm. Mono. $1.49 DAWN OF REDEEMING GRACE Robert Graham. Mixed voices with soprano, alto, and tenor solos. For large or small choirs. Performance tim e: about 40 minutes. $1.25 Record: 12-inch, 33% rpm. Mono. $3.98 THE LORD EMMANUEL Robert Graham. Four-part mixed chorus with solos and narration. Performance takes about 30 minutes. $1.25 Record: 12-inch, 33% rpm. Mono. $3.98 Program folder: 500, $8.00; 1,000, $14.00 SING NOEL Jeanne Shaffer. An easy cantata-like collection of Christmas carols for mixed voices. Performance tim e: about 45 minutes. $1.25 ANTHEMS CHRISTMAS CHORAL SERIES Selections of medium difficulty for mixed voices (SATB), including: A Carol for Christmas, Dean Christ Was Born in Bethlehem, Hooper Christmas Morning, Appleby Christmas Pastoral, Appleby Let All Mortal Flesh Keep Silenee, Graham Sing Carols Gay, Laverty Each, CHRISTMAS CHORALE A recording of the 12 titles in the Christmas Choral Series. 12-inch, 33% rpm. Mono. $3.98 The Song of Christmas, Yang Come to Bethlehem, Hegenbart Forth We Go to Bethlehem, Ehret How Far Is It to Bethlehem, Powell Love Came Down at Christmas, Young The Star of Jacob, Bartlett 25*
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It’s not just academic; you need to know what your pupils are learning. If they do not understand, how can they come to the point where theywill realize their personal need for the Lord Jesus Christ as Saviour? Or grow in theknowledge of God’sWord? Quarterly Departmental Achieve ment Tests are geared to the lessons you are teaching (Junior through Adult classes). They help you evalu ate your teaching and give students opportunities for self-analysis. A teacher of Junior Highs in Florida wrote that since using DAT, “Pupils are more anxious to leam Bible truths and see how much they can remember.” It’s a wonderful way to find out if you are doing your best as a teacher. Tests come in sets of 5 with answer and grading sheet.
No double-talk, no blue-sky theory. Here’s a practical, sensible, easy-to- understand grading plan that makes teaching more penetrating and resultful. Popular departmental grouping is maintained, so that you hit the same target of truth in presession and wor ship as in instruction and expression. For the critical Primary and Junior years (grades 1-6) a different pupil’s manual is provided for each grade. In this way all pupils in a Primary or Junior department study the same lesson on a given Sunday, but each pupil learns on his own ability level. The pupil-matched books have vary ing assignments and type that suit the learning needs of each age. In other words, Tri-Level work books combine the very best features of all grading plans!
With ALL-BIBLE Graded material you approach class each Sunday con fident there’s no compromise—sure that every lesson is Christ-centered, Bible-based. You also know that each minute, each activity is focused on one aim. There’s even a correlated presession for early arrivals (designed to start pupils thinking of the lesson aim). Departmental themes enable the superintendent, during worship serv ice, to relate directly to the same lesson goal — without stealing his teachers’ thunder! Memory verse, class time instruc tion, and expression—even the chil dren’s take-home paper—all impress pupils with the same emphasis. THIS is “Total-Hour Teaching,” making every minute count for eter nity You have your pupils just 1 hour out of every 168. Dare you waste such precious time with less than a completely correlated effort?
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SCRIPTURE PRESS SCRIPTURE PRESS PUBLICATIONS, INC., WHEATON, ILLINOIS 60188 Please send for consideration in my Sunday School, without cost or obligation, sample packets for the following department (s) : Q Cradle Roll □ Nursery □ Beginner □ Primary □ Junior 0 Young Teen 0 Senior High 0 Young Adult and Adult 0 Home (extension) Also send 0 General Catalog 0 Departmental Achievement Test Samples
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money counters
in the temple
by Glenn O’Neal, Pb.D.
I ’M SORRY I can’t hear your message this morning be cause I have to count the offer ing.” “ Í wasn’t in the
service this morning but I heard your mes sage over the speak er. I count the offer ing, you know.” In c h u r c h a f t e r chu r ch I am greeted with s imi l a r remarks. Somehow a common practice has arisen built on the idea that money collected during a serv ice must be counted during that service. I have the firm conviction that this practice is not only a poor testimony but that it dishonors the God we worship.
The average church sets aside one or two hours a week for the purpose of worshipping the Lord and hearing the message that God would proclaim through His servant. It is inexcusable that church officers should habitually excuse themselves from this obli gation in order to perform duties that could just as readily be accomplished at other times. Hearing the message over a speaker is not the answer. It is hard to imagine giving serious attention to God’s message while adding a list of figures. Why has this practice become common? Most people would answer that they do not like to stay after church on Sunday morn ing to count the money. They have their family at church and the family does not like to wait. While this appears to be a valid ob-
MONEY COUNTERS jection, yet most families do not have their Sunday dinner until at least an hour after returning from church. Transportation can be arranged if serious attention is given to solving this problem. But does the offering need to be counted immediately? Certainly it does not if the church has a safe. Some have returned to care for the task in the late afternoon prior to the evening service. Others have counted it early in the week when two stewards could agree on a time. Where there is a heart for the good testimony of the church and a desire to honor the Lord, some alternate plan can be devised. When the Lord entered the tem ple and found the people more in terested in the money than heart worship of the Lord, He reacted by overturning the tables and chairs of those who had so missed the point of the purpose of His house. If He were to step into certain back rooms of our churches and find the money being counted at the hour of wor ship, I’m not at all sure but what His response might be the same. ILLINO IS Aug. 1 (11:00) Cicero Bible Church, Cicero (7:00) Moody Church, Chicago KANSAS Aug. 3 (7:30) Newton Bible Church, Newton Aug. 4 (7:30) Evangelical Covenant, Lindsborg Aug. 5 (7:30) Evangelical Covenant, Oberlin TEXAS Aug. i (7:30) Amarillo Bible Church, Amarillo COLORADO Aug. 7 (7:30) Grace Community Church, Pueblo Aug. 8 (8:45 & 11:00) Calvary Baptist Church, Pueblo (7:00) Temple Baptist Church, Colorado Springs Aug. (0 (day) Camp ID-RA-HA-JE, Pine Aug. 11 (7:30) Calvary Baptist Church, Durango AR IZO NA Aug. 13 (7:30) First Baptist Church, Yuma Aug. 14 (7:30) Truth for Youth, Phoenix Aug. 15 (11:00) Bible Chapel, Phoenix (7:00) Bethany Bible Church, Phoenix BIOLA QUARTET NOW ON TOUR
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AUGUST, 1965
^ \ a “s p v cs. ' ' p V\ be absolutely certain. Its memory has been pre served by three different later sources that have been woven together to form the present Book of Exodus: the Jahwist epic (c. 950 B.C.), the Elohist epic (c. 750 B.C.), and the Priestly writing (after the exile in 586 B.C.). These sources (often abbreviated J. E. and P) come from different groups and differ ent periods of Israel’s life. They reflect not only the memory of the original happenings in the age of the exodus, but also the later theological concerns and liturgical practices of the various groups. They are not eyewitness reports. Ruth Douglas See’s Make the Bible Your Own is a co-operative text published for the Co-operative Publi cation Association by the John Knox Press, Richmond, Virginia. This is a source book under the elective system used by many N.C.C. denominations. On pages 71 and 72 we find the following: To deny that the Bible as we have it has a single error of any kind is rather like denying that one’s mother ever sinned. But to keep looking and looking for mistakes in the Bible is like forever pointing out the mistakes one’s mother made. A Univac makes no mistakes; mothers do, but only a mother can give us life. Do you understand what is implied? Univac makes no mistakes, but the Bible does. A mechanism invented by man makes no mistakes, but the inspired writings make mistakes like a mother. We continue reading from Make the Bible Your Own: At the very beginning of the Bible we run into a particular problem: How are we to understand the narratives of the first eleven chapters of Genesis? These, we will recall, are the events of pre-history, which set the stage for God’s great drama of redemp tion. Although some devout Christians would like to do so, it is surely impossible to locate the Garden of Eden on a map of the Middle East, discover the remains o f the Ark in the Ararat Mountains, or iden tify any particular ancient mound in Iraq as the Tower of Babel. These stories have much in common with folk tales and doubtless draw on legendary sources, but they are much more profound than mere legends. In recent times they have been called tales, parables, myths; but none of these terms is quite accurate. The word “myth” is here used in a spe cialized sense, not as something unreal and fanciful like dryads or unicorns, but more in the way in which the term is used in Plato’s dialogues—a story which conveys a great truth. Take for example the first chapter of Genesis, the story of creation. Since this account is generally believed to have been writ ten during the exile in Babylon, it is interesting to compare the Genesis story with Babylonian tradi tions recorded on clay tablets. Here mythology runs riot. In one account the god Marduk battles the sea monster Tiamut, slays her, and then slits open her body to form the earth and the heavens. The account in Genesis moves on an entirely different plane. It is not a geological, astronomical, or biological explana tion of the creation, to be sure, nor does it set out to be; it is a theological account, declaring in magnifi cent poetry that the sovereign God is “ the Maker of heaven and earth.” The second quarter of study for tenth grade Ameri can Baptist youth is in a course entitled, In the Begin ning, by John E. Skoglund. Beginning on page 37 we read the following information: HOW GENESIS CAME TO BE To understand better the message of Genesis, we (continued on next page) 13
W H A T DO TH E SU N D A Y SCHOOL PUBLICATIONS of ma jor denominations teach concerning Mosaic au thorship of the Pentateuch? We cannot ascertain the details of co-operation, but no one can deny collaboration on this subject of Mosaic authorship. All of the publish ers of the materials reviewed in this issue are follow ing what has been known to theological students as Higher Criticism. Eichhorn, Graf and Wellhausen are a few of the more important “ lights” in this destructive and critical view of the Bible. Professors in American seminaries were attracted to these views when they studied on the continent of Europe. These views were in turn spread throughout the United States in the semi naries. One by one, the great churches of America fell prey to the liberal leadership. The liberal-fundamental ist controversies were an outgrowth of the spread of Higher Criticism. But now the same diabolical views, in the name of unidentified scholarship, are being taught in the Sunday school publications of the major denomi nations. When we examine the Adult Teacher, published by the Methodist Publishing House, January, 1964, we dis cover in the center spread a chart entitled “ Time Line of the Bible.” An almost identical chart, but more color ful—can be found in an adult Bible study book pub lished by the Lutheran Church Press with a 1964 copy right. The title of the book is The Mighty Acts of God and has been authored by Robert J. Marshall. What are some of the features o f this chart? The dates for the writings of the books of the Old Testament are given on the basis of Higher Criticism. The JEDP theory of the authorship of Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers and Deuteronomy is fully illustrated. Jahwist, according to the chart, was written in 1950, the Elohist was writ ten in 950, the Deuteronomist was written in 650 and the Priestly editor completed his revision and additions in 550. The Book of Daniel was written at least 300 years after Daniel was dead. Here are the words of Jesus Christ on the same subject: And he said unto them, These are the words which I spake unto you, while I was yet with you, that all things must be fulfilled, which were written in the law of Moses, and in the prophets, and in the psalms, concerning me (Luke 24:44). Jesus Christ, the Son of God, put His imprimatur upon the Mosaic authorship of the first five books of the Bible. His words concerning the Book of Daniel refute the unidentified scholarship in these Sunday school publications: When ye therefore shall see the abomination of deso lation, spoken of by Daniel the prophet . . . (Matt. 24:15). On the authority of the Word of God, we can cor rectly challenge this so-called scholarship. Whoever these scholars are that are quoted, they are mistaken; they were not there when it was written. We find the same ideas expressed in a United Pres byterian Church publication, Crossroads, a Study and Program Magazine for Adults, October-December, 1964, on page 26: Concerning the precise course of the total event and the detailed circumstances surrounding it, we cannot AUGUST, 1965 the Attacks by Edgar R. Koons
a publication of the Methodist Church, published monthly by Graded Press, includes an article entitled, “We Studied You and Your Creator” and is authored by Mr. Donald P. Victorin who teaches the seventh grade class at the Methodist Church in Cranford, New Jersey. His comments are based on his observations and experi ences in teaching the fall quarter’s course You and Your Creator. One of the main ideas which came out of Unit II is “ The Story of Genesis is a poem of creation.” Mr. Victorin was not satisfied that teaching of the mate rial should go untested, but had the students write statements of faith which resulted from the fall quar- TEN COMMANDMENTS FOR SUNDAY SCHOOL TEACHERS 1. Thou shalt have no selfish pleasure before thy duty to thy Sunday school class. 2. Thou shalt not make unto thee any personal en gagements, nor any trifling excuse for being away from the class on Sunday. 3. Thou shalt not bow down thyself to questionable amusements (movies, etc.), nor to any conduct un worthy of the emulation of thy pupils. 4. Thou shalt not take the responsibility of the Sunday school class in vain, for God will not hold him guiltless that taketh such responsibility lightly, not realizing it to be a God-given task. 5. Remember the Sunday school class to keep it WHOLE. 6. Honor thy calling and thy class that thy days may be long in the success which the Lord thy God shall give thee. 7. Thou shalt not kill thy pupils' interest by thy irregular attendance. 8. Thou shalt be pure in thy faith in the Word of God, and in thy interpretation of it in word and deed. 9. Thou shalt not steal the time of thy class and the peace of mind of thy superintendent by being tardy (nor the pastor's peace of mind and soul by being absent from the worship service). 10. Thou shalt not covet superficial success, but only that which results from careful and prayerful prep aration and effort. The above ten commandments are worthy of considera tion, not as a substitute for the Word of God but as suggestions for better devotion to our tasks. ter’s study. Under the subject “ Creation” on page 23, we read what the students wrote: CREATION 1. I believe that the story of creation in the Bible was told to explain things to the people in the early days, in words they could understand. 2. I believe that the first part of Genesis is a poem of creation and is not to be taken literally. What have been the repeated emphases of this litera ture from the adult level to the seventh grade level? They can be stated as these: Scholarship is the basis of authentication of Biblical authorship; the stories of the first eleven chapters of Genesis are mythological—that is, they are stories that did not actually happen but nev ertheless they record great truths; and the Bible has many mistakes. How thankful we can be as we realize that all Scrip ture is God-breathed, and as the Apostle Peter states, under the inspiration of the Holy Spirit, “ For the prophecy came not in old time by the will of man: but holy men of God spake as they were moved by the Holy Ghost” (II Peter 1:21). From "Strange Words" published by Regular Baptist Press, 1800 Oakton Boulevard, Des Plaines, Illinois.
be. . . . Many biblical scholars today believe that these books were not written by Moses (as the church has traditionally held) but are a compilation of material coming from several different sources. These have been designated with the letters J. E. D. and P. The first source is called J because it charac teristically uses the word Jahweh when speaking of God. The second is designated E because it uses the word Elohim for God. The third is called D because it makes up a large part of what we today know as the Book of Deuteronomy. The fourth is referred to as P because of the priestly character and origin of the material. In answer to the question—“How can the first eleven chapters of Genesis be interpreted?”—American Bap tist Skoglund comments: A sizable group o f scholars have considered these opening chapters of our Bible to be “myths.” By this they have not meant that they are untrue, or fairy tales spun out of thin air; rather, that they are sym bolic statements that express great spiritual truth. They are “a worldly speech about non-worldly things.” They are efforts to state objectively and in concrete language which ordinary people can under stand, truths which lie beyond everything that is objective and concrete. They speak the truth about God and man and about man’s relationship to God. They do so, however, in language and imagery that made this truth meaningful to the people to whom these chapters were first addressed. It follows, then, that if the same truth is to become meaningful for us, it must be restated in the language and imagery that make sense to us today. What are Mr. Skoglund’s conclusions: We do not necessarily need to think of Adam as an individual man who lived at a certain time in a gar den located somewhere near the headwaters of the Euphrates River. If we take the parable approach, so much used by Jesus, we do not necessarily need to think of Adam and Eve as the physical ancestors of all who lived upon the earth, or to see Satan as a snake, or to visualize- God in physical form walking in a garden. But whatever approach we take as our own, we must bear in mind that the primary purpose of these chapters is not to teach factual, scientific knowledge but to set forth eternal truth. My Bible and I, by Jackson Wilcox, is published by Judson Press of the American Baptist Churches. This course is written for eighth graders. On page 11 we read: But aside from all the books whose authors we do not know, many are left. And aside from the ones about Which there are questions, a sizable number still remain. There are sixty-six books in the Bible. Some writers penned more than one book. On the other hand, some books—like Genesis and Psalms—are held by many devoted scholars to have been written by several writers. The implications of “ like Genesis and Psalms” in combination with “many devoted scholars” are subtly deceptive. No knowledgable person lays claim that David wrote all the psalms. The Bible does not make that claim. But the Bible does make the claim that Genesis was the work of Moses. Here is where scholarly fiction is matched with scriptural fact for the sake of belief. What could be more accepted by young minds than the opinions of many devoted scholars? But who are these scholars? They are never identified in any of this ma terial even though this appeal to scholarship is oft re peated at every age level. The September, 1964, issue of Workers with Youth,
by Dr. Merv R osell
H OW w o n d e r f u l it is that each time we open up God’s marvelous book of authority we find His amazing answers for the problems of today. So many people have come to me in recent years and said, “Merv, I have to find an answer for my home, for my heart, for the problems within the walls of my own sanctuary where my children live.” Actually, I think everyone is faced with problems of some sort. The appalling rate of divorce and home-breakage is a commentary on the fact that our nation has never learned the keys to success for any home built on Christ. I guarantee that any man who will build his home around the following five keys cannot see it fail, for God abides faithful in answering these keys with the open door of His blessing. Read them carefully. Obey them religiously. Follow them faithfully—and enjoy a happy home. 1. Give God the first hour of each day. (Mark 1:35) Get Bible strength before the daily rush. Pray in the MORNING instead of the night! 2. Give God the first day of the week. (I Cor. 16:2) The entire Lord’s day belongs to Him. Serve with your church to save your community. 3. Give God the first portion of your income. (Prov. 3:9; I Cor. 16:2) The Jewish man under law gave the first tenth. (I Cor. 9:7) Certainly under grace we should do no less! Keep books. 4. Give God first consideration in every decision. (Matt. 6:33) Choice of home; of friends; of work; of church; of school; etc.—all to God’s glory. 5. Give God’s Son first place always in your heart. (II Cor. 8:5) Live, talk, walk, sing, pray, work, play, think, serve, always conscious of His presence! The Bible says, “ That the righteousness of the law might be fulfilled in us, who walk not after the flesh, but after the Spirit” (Romans 8 :4 ). FBI Chief J. Edgar Hoover has said, “ This country is in deadly peril; a creeping rot of moral disintegration is eating into our nation. My only hope for the future is predicated upon belief in God and in the re-establishing of the practice of daily prayer in our homes.” As father or mother or any significant member of the home, be dead sure that all members of your family are in right relationship with God through Jesus Christ. At times it is most difficult to break great theologi cal truths down into such simple unmistakable termi nology that everyone might understand, and yet the Bible fundamentally is that simple and clear. Faith
brings us into a relationship with God through Christ who died on the cross for us. Faithfulness (day by day) maintains that fellowship with God through the power of the Holy Spirit. Faith places us in the family, and faithfulness brings happiness in that family of faith. Romans 4:5 is an astonishing but wonderful verse, “ But to him that worketh not, but believeth on him that justifieth the ungodly, his faith is counted for righteousness.” The Bible does not contradict itself. It says in the first place, “ By grace are ye saved through faith; and that not of yourselves: it is the g ift of God: Not of works, lest any man should boast” (Eph. 2:8-9). This is the doorway into the house of salvation. On the other hand it says, “ Faith without works is dead.” When you with utter abandon realize the great load of your sin and place Christ first in your heart of hearts at the foot of the cross, salvation is instantly yours. How can we know from father down to the smallest child in the family that each one is actually right with God? I believe that I can make this plain. 1. We turn to the Word of God, to bank upon His promises, and we find our salvation by pure, naked faith in Jesus Christ. Read Romans 10:9-10. This faith is heart faith and cannot be a mental assent to the historic Jesus Christ. “With the heart man believeth unto righteousness.” 2. You can know you are a Christian because there is a witness within your heart, according to Romans 8:16. It is not an spasmodic emotional experience, but the reality of inner throbbing heart faith in Jesus Christ. 3. You can know instantly your faith is real be cause you have a reverse relationship to the commer cialized sin of our day. “ Therefore if any man be in Christ, he is a new creature: old things are passed away; behold all things are become new” (II Cor. 5:17). A Christian is a man with a changed heart, a changed mind, a changed life, a changed body, a changed service, a changed family and a changed relationship. He is a man who has put Christ in the heart of hearts. It is not “ churchianity” but Christianity. The American home needs to turn back to her God—back to a vital faith in Jesus Christ. “ How do I know that I am a Christian? How do I know that the Lord is mine?” said the old man leaning on his cane. “WHY, I talked with Him just about an hour ago.” The family that prays together, stays to gether. Be sure every one in your family really knows Jesus Christ as personal Saviour.
AUGUST, 1965
by Rev. Fred V. Dabold Director, Evangelical Mission to Uruguay
M y f r ie n d s , I would like to ask you a question which I know you will think passing strange. Permit me to ask: Do you have innocent hands— lily-white hands; clean, innocent hands? No, I am not thinking of “ pure, gentle Ivory soap, so gentle to a baby’s skin.” Speaking of babies, I well remember when our daughter Donna Glee was but a wee baby in her crib. The little rascal was a regular alarm clock. She would awaken us in the morning by holding aloft her dimpled hands, clapping them together and making patty-cakes. Those were innocent hands. Do you have innocent hands? Charles Hickman was once a baby with inno cent hands — as innocent as those of our baby girl. But one day those hands dismembered the body of little Marian Parker and left the pieces o f the body near the home of that lovely child. The hands of Hickman then were not innocent hands, for those hands were stained with innocent blood. The hands that shed innocent blood are not in nocent hands. But not all killing is murder. As, for instance, when a man goes into the woods with a friend to chop down a tree; while the one man swings the axe to cut down the tree, the axe-head falls from the handle, strikes the friend on the head and kills him: that is not murder. A man may do that and still have lily-white, innocent hands. So a man may kill another man and still have inno cent hands, for all killing is not murder. On the other hand, a man may not kill a person and still be guilty of innocent blood. For instance, a man was sentenced to death by one of our state governments many years ago, and at the last mo ment it was discovered that he was innocent. A messenger was sent on horseback from the capital to take a pardon from the Governor to the place where the man lay awaiting execution on the fol lowing morning. The messenger consulted his wa£ch and decided he had plenty of time to loiter on the way, so he stopped to rest and refresh him
self. He lay down and fell asleep. He slept long and then suddenly awoke and discovered his terrible mistake. He leaped onto his horse and dashed down the road, drove up to the courthouse square with both him and the horse foaming with perspiration, and loudly called out the message of pardon. But it was too late! Just one minute before, the inno cent man had been hurled into eternity. Could he ever forgive himself? That man did not have inno cent hands, for his hands were stained with the blood of an innocent man. We do not have to kill a man to be guilty o f his blood. All we have to do is to neglect to save him from death and we become guilty of innocent blood. Do you have innocent hands? Well, let’s see. God speaks through Ezekiel in chapter 33, verse 8: “When I say to the wicked, 0 wicked man, thou shalt surely die; if thou dost not speak to warn the wicked from his way, that wicked man shall die in his iniquity. But his blood will I require at thine hands.” What hands are those? Hands stained with human blood. God says the heathen person is condemned to. die in the dames o f perdition, unless the gospel reaches him at once before the day of execution. The gospel is God’s pardon. Christ died for his sins. The gospel is God’s message to every unsaved sinner at home and abroad. At home every unsaved sinner has the message o f pardon. Now we must dash with haste to the ends o f the earth to proclaim God’s pardon to men everywhere. These are the terms of the great commission: “Go ye into all the world and preach the gospel to every creature.” That is a command, as much as the command “ Thou shalt not kill.” All we have to do to be guilty of a man’s death, is to stand by when we see him in danger, and refuse to warn him or help him. “ If thou dost not warn the wicked,” God says, “ his blood will I require at thine hand.” Thou shalt
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