King's Business - 1965-08

by Dr. Merv R osell

H OW w o n d e r f u l it is that each time we open up God’s marvelous book of authority we find His amazing answers for the problems of today. So many people have come to me in recent years and said, “Merv, I have to find an answer for my home, for my heart, for the problems within the walls of my own sanctuary where my children live.” Actually, I think everyone is faced with problems of some sort. The appalling rate of divorce and home-breakage is a commentary on the fact that our nation has never learned the keys to success for any home built on Christ. I guarantee that any man who will build his home around the following five keys cannot see it fail, for God abides faithful in answering these keys with the open door of His blessing. Read them carefully. Obey them religiously. Follow them faithfully—and enjoy a happy home. 1. Give God the first hour of each day. (Mark 1:35) Get Bible strength before the daily rush. Pray in the MORNING instead of the night! 2. Give God the first day of the week. (I Cor. 16:2) The entire Lord’s day belongs to Him. Serve with your church to save your community. 3. Give God the first portion of your income. (Prov. 3:9; I Cor. 16:2) The Jewish man under law gave the first tenth. (I Cor. 9:7) Certainly under grace we should do no less! Keep books. 4. Give God first consideration in every decision. (Matt. 6:33) Choice of home; of friends; of work; of church; of school; etc.—all to God’s glory. 5. Give God’s Son first place always in your heart. (II Cor. 8:5) Live, talk, walk, sing, pray, work, play, think, serve, always conscious of His presence! The Bible says, “ That the righteousness of the law might be fulfilled in us, who walk not after the flesh, but after the Spirit” (Romans 8 :4 ). FBI Chief J. Edgar Hoover has said, “ This country is in deadly peril; a creeping rot of moral disintegration is eating into our nation. My only hope for the future is predicated upon belief in God and in the re-establishing of the practice of daily prayer in our homes.” As father or mother or any significant member of the home, be dead sure that all members of your family are in right relationship with God through Jesus Christ. At times it is most difficult to break great theologi­ cal truths down into such simple unmistakable termi­ nology that everyone might understand, and yet the Bible fundamentally is that simple and clear. Faith

brings us into a relationship with God through Christ who died on the cross for us. Faithfulness (day by day) maintains that fellowship with God through the power of the Holy Spirit. Faith places us in the family, and faithfulness brings happiness in that family of faith. Romans 4:5 is an astonishing but wonderful verse, “ But to him that worketh not, but believeth on him that justifieth the ungodly, his faith is counted for righteousness.” The Bible does not contradict itself. It says in the first place, “ By grace are ye saved through faith; and that not of yourselves: it is the g ift of God: Not of works, lest any man should boast” (Eph. 2:8-9). This is the doorway into the house of salvation. On the other hand it says, “ Faith without works is dead.” When you with utter abandon realize the great load of your sin and place Christ first in your heart of hearts at the foot of the cross, salvation is instantly yours. How can we know from father down to the smallest child in the family that each one is actually right with God? I believe that I can make this plain. 1. We turn to the Word of God, to bank upon His promises, and we find our salvation by pure, naked faith in Jesus Christ. Read Romans 10:9-10. This faith is heart faith and cannot be a mental assent to the historic Jesus Christ. “With the heart man believeth unto righteousness.” 2. You can know you are a Christian because there is a witness within your heart, according to Romans 8:16. It is not an spasmodic emotional experience, but the reality of inner throbbing heart faith in Jesus Christ. 3. You can know instantly your faith is real be­ cause you have a reverse relationship to the commer­ cialized sin of our day. “ Therefore if any man be in Christ, he is a new creature: old things are passed away; behold all things are become new” (II Cor. 5:17). A Christian is a man with a changed heart, a changed mind, a changed life, a changed body, a changed service, a changed family and a changed relationship. He is a man who has put Christ in the heart of hearts. It is not “ churchianity” but Christianity. The American home needs to turn back to her God—back to a vital faith in Jesus Christ. “ How do I know that I am a Christian? How do I know that the Lord is mine?” said the old man leaning on his cane. “WHY, I talked with Him just about an hour ago.” The family that prays together, stays to­ gether. Be sure every one in your family really knows Jesus Christ as personal Saviour.


AUGUST, 1965

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