King's Business - 1965-08

new-life B a p t i s m A l l Q A R m e n t s | d ign ity

B Y A L T H E A S . M I L L E R N ot long ago I heard an expert on the culture and way of life of a certain American Indian- tribe lec­ ture on the spiritual and psychologi­ cal perception of these people. He credited a keen awareness in this area to the fact that many of the Indians often fast, sometimes going four and five days without food or water. Believing in a divine retribu­ tion of sorts, they teach that the fast­ ing assuages the anger of their god(s) and wards oif some punitive measures from that direction. There is a false dichotomy circu­ lating in Christian circles today con­ cerning the sacred and secular areas of life. Perhaps without saying it, or even being aware of it, many Chris­ tians believe there is a fine line be­ tween the two. Almost imperceptibly some of our Christian youth are be­ ing “ infected” with the satanic con­ cept that only those in “ full time service” need be occupied with sacred matters. In the light of God’s Word such belief is a travesty on authentic Christianity. A thoughtful considera­ tion of the above mentioned reason for the Indians’ discipline of fasting would seem to indicate that these people do not separate what they be­ lieve to be secular from the sacred. True, they may “ keep [their] bodies under” out of fear, but they do it! Why do not we Christians “ deny” ourselves in the matter of prayer and fasting out of love for our wonderful Saviour? Much of the effectiveness of the first century church witness came about by prayer and fasting. Under God the early church was established and sustained by believers who counted every day and all of life holy unto the Lord. Could it be that the answer to that blessed (but virtually unknown, to us) state of affairs was because the early Chris­ tians . . first gave their own selves to the Lord . . (II Cor. 8 :5 )? Perhaps we 20th century Christians need to go back to our “ first love” and give ourselves to the Lord in a renewed dedication while the door of salvation is still ajar and a sinful world awaits our witness.

to youR seuvices

Attractive, neat New-Life Baptismal Garments give the candidate a feeling of self-confidence and free the mind for the sacred meaning of the service. Expertly designed for fit and laundering, these gar­ ments are made of durable Sanforized cotton twill, thick enough to avoid transparency when wet. ROBES AND SHORTS FOR WOMEN AND GIRLS These neat-looking robes contain vents which let the air escape as candidate enters water. Weights in hem hold robe down. Shorts are adjustable to waist by means of drawstrings. Sizes—Extra small (9-10), small (12-14), medium (16-18), large (20-42), extra large (44- 48). White only. (26b) $12.95 ROBES AND SHORTS FOR CHILDREN For both boys and girls. Same style as other robes and shorts. Size—Order by age. Extra small (6-7), small (8-9), medium (10-11). White only. (26b) Robe and shorts, $11.95 SUITS FOR MEN AND BOYS Coat has lapels and a vest which snaps in. Sleeves adjust to different shoulder widths. Adequate protection is given without additional shirt or underclothing. Trouser lengths are in proportion to waist sizes. Sizes—Extra small (30-32), small (34-36), medium (38-40), large (42-44), extra large (46-48). White only. (26b) $12.95

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AUGUST, 1965

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