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CULTS CRITIQUE by B etty Brueehert A READER WANTS TO KNOW about the World Healing Crusade of Blackpool, England, asking if this sect is Pentecostal, No, it is not. Headed by “ Brother Mandus” and “ Brother Conrad,” who publish a di gest-size, forty-eight-page magazine entitled The Crusader, it seems to concentrate upon mind healing. In fact, the te rm s used by these “brothers” resemble so closely the nomenclature of the Unity School of Christianity of Lees Summit, Mis souri, that we wrote the Unity head quarters asking if it was a branch of their work. They replied that it was not, but that the “brothers” had visited them and had given addresses there. It was obvious from the com plimentary tone that the two organ izations were identical in belief. There are indications that this work is not confined to the United King dom. Radio Station WBCN of Bos ton, Mass., opens its broadcasting day at 7 a.m. with a tape recording by Brother Mandus and in the sect’s publication there are as many testi monies of “miraculous” healings from Americans as there are from Britons. Free “ Healing Tapes” are oifered with this explanation: “ The tape re cordings which have been recorded here at the Sanctuary have always carried with them a wonderful prayer and healing consciousness.” The “ Children’s Healing Tapes” are described as “ simple stories illus trated by music. As the child lis tens attentively to fairy stories, which are also parables, he will be exposed to God’s Healing Love.” It is also claimed: “ A tape carries with it the Divine Consciousness in which it was created . . . an immediate link with all the prayers of the sanctuary . . . the Crusade . . . the Kingdom.” Another quotation, from H. T. Hamblin of Science of Thought Re- view, is reminiscent of Unity, Sci ence of Mind, and similar “health and prosperity” cults: “No child of God can possibly lack any good thing . . . He is therefore delivered from the great curse of worry and care over the ways and means of his daily life; and this in turn prevents him from suffering from the diseases which worry and care predispose one to.” Nothing is said of a Saviour from sin and hell.
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