King's Business - 1965-08


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CULTS CRITIQUE by B etty Brueehert A READER WANTS TO KNOW about the World Healing Crusade of Blackpool, England, asking if this sect is Pentecostal, No, it is not. Headed by “ Brother Mandus” and “ Brother Conrad,” who publish a di­ gest-size, forty-eight-page magazine entitled The Crusader, it seems to concentrate upon mind healing. In fact, the te rm s used by these “brothers” resemble so closely the nomenclature of the Unity School of Christianity of Lees Summit, Mis­ souri, that we wrote the Unity head­ quarters asking if it was a branch of their work. They replied that it was not, but that the “brothers” had visited them and had given addresses there. It was obvious from the com­ plimentary tone that the two organ­ izations were identical in belief. There are indications that this work is not confined to the United King­ dom. Radio Station WBCN of Bos­ ton, Mass., opens its broadcasting day at 7 a.m. with a tape recording by Brother Mandus and in the sect’s publication there are as many testi­ monies of “miraculous” healings from Americans as there are from Britons. Free “ Healing Tapes” are oifered with this explanation: “ The tape re­ cordings which have been recorded here at the Sanctuary have always carried with them a wonderful prayer and healing consciousness.” The “ Children’s Healing Tapes” are described as “ simple stories illus­ trated by music. As the child lis­ tens attentively to fairy stories, which are also parables, he will be exposed to God’s Healing Love.” It is also claimed: “ A tape carries with it the Divine Consciousness in which it was created . . . an immediate link with all the prayers of the sanctuary . . . the Crusade . . . the Kingdom.” Another quotation, from H. T. Hamblin of Science of Thought Re- view, is reminiscent of Unity, Sci­ ence of Mind, and similar “health and prosperity” cults: “No child of God can possibly lack any good thing . . . He is therefore delivered from the great curse of worry and care over the ways and means of his daily life; and this in turn prevents him from suffering from the diseases which worry and care predispose one to.” Nothing is said of a Saviour from sin and hell.

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