King's Business - 1965-08


" A MUST for any library

p e r s o n a I e v a n g e l i s m I h Benjamin Weiss H e s a t i n a dungeon cell in a prison in Rome. He was neither de­ pressed nor discouraged. The days were long, but not wearisome and gloomy. He said he did one thing continually: he prayed for others. Paul did not waste the hours be­ moaning his fate as a prisoner. With others he labored in prayer. Because of his prayers, many were turning to Christ and the church grew and became strong. Paul said his prayers were active service for Jesus Christ. A woman had been praying for her husband for many years. She was a Christian and wanted to see her hus­ band saved. The years slipped by but there was no noticeable evidence that he was turning to Jesus Christ as his Saviour. When he was past seventy years of age, they decided to take a trip to see one of their children. During the trip he shared a seat with an­ other man, a Christian, with whom he carried on a friendly conversation. This man had a burden for the lost and had prayed that he would have an opportunity to help someone come to Christ on the trip. During the conversation, he spoke to his fellow- traveler about the reality of Christ and the wonderful privilege of re­ ceiving Him as Saviour and urged him to ask Christ to come into his life and become a Christian. The seventy-year-old man consented and was born into the kingdom of God. He returned to his seat with his wife and told her that at the invita­ tion of a Christian man on the coach, he had become a Christian. Her prayers had been answered while she was completely unaware of it. You may have had difficulty in gaining someone’s attention to whom you could witness. You may not have contact with persons to whom you could speak about the Saviour. There is never a moment when you could not be praying for the unsaved. This is an important part, possibly the most important activity in soul win­ ning. Anywhere, anytime, is an occa­ sion for praying for others. This is personal evangelism. When you pray for an unsaved person, you are in fellowship with the Holy Spirit in winning others to Christ. Begin now. Pray for the unsaved. Pray often. Labor in prayer.

Filled With the Spirit »Commentary on Acts Not only is this a commentary par excellence on perhaps the most im­ portant book in the New Testament» the book of A cts, but it is also the most biblical and complete theological treatment of the Doctrines of the Holy Spirit and of New Testament Church Polity to be found anywhere in print today. Avoiding technical terms, it reads^ like a devotional, stirs like an oration and moves like a drama. It con victs, convinces and con­

verts indolent, fruitless Christians into replicas of early church believers who "w ent every where preach­ ing the w ord," (A cts 8:4b), witnessing and winning souls. 28 chapters, all Scripture references fully reproduced.

$4.50 555 pages

The K ing of the Jews is a verse-by-verse commentary on the entire Gospel of Matthew« 28 chapters, one for each of the chap­ ters in the gospel, and each chapter is broken up into brief sections and each section is discu ssed care­ fully and thoroughly with many other Scriptures used to throw light upon the teaching« This cross-refer­ ence feature of the commentary is one of the finest and most helpful points of the volume«

Price/ $4.50 Over 500 thrilling pages by Dr* John R« Rico

A Book Y o u ’ll W a n t to Read The Home: Courtship,Marriage, andChildren •..

During twenty-four years of pastoral, evangelistic and editorial work, Dr« R ice has been confronted with troubled folk of all ages, in private conversation, in letters by the thousand, and in forums, with questions on courtship and petting, child discipline, family altar, birth control, duties o f husbands and wives, divorce, normal sex life in marriage and many other home prob­ lems« Thus he saw the need for a sane, biblical, un­ derstanding and practical book on the home and prob­ lems of married people« We believe he was eminently qualified to write it—by his experience, his deep and and burning devotion to the(Lord, his undoubted Bible scholarship and his skillful writing« An excellent wedding gift; every home should have a copy, every young person« Family record, marriage certificate« 22 long chapters, 381 pages in lovely cloth binding. Price , $3.50


Box 1099

Murfroosboro, Tonnossoo

AUGUST, 1965


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