King's Business - 1965-08 'JOM'eVv 5

H U R T I N T H E H E A R T by Urie A. Bender

The problems of inter-faith marriage presented in story form. The path to happiness of Ron and Bonita, the one a Protestant and the other Roman Catholic, becomes stony, hard to find and fraught with pathos. Here is a tale of their courtship and the first decade of their marriage. Twenty questions for thought and discussion make the book most suitable for group use. $1.50 Order from your bookstore or Dept. KB I I K K A M » F I I E S S Seottdale, Pa. 15683

BY PIT IR IM SOROKIN I F A PERSON has no strong con­ victions as to what is right or wrong, if he does not believe in God and ab s o l u t e moral values, if his hunger for pleas­ ures and sensory values is para­ mount, what can guide and con­ trol his conduct toward other men? What can deter him from violating the rights, interests and well-being of other men? Nothing but physical force. How far will he go in his insatiable quest for sensory happiness? He will go as far as force, opposed by that of others, permits. In a society composed of such per­ sons the inevitable consequence will be a multiplication of con­ flicts. Social life becomes so com­ plex, the struggle for sensory happiness is so sharp, the quest for pleasure destroys the mental and moral balance to such an ex­ tent that a multitude of people cannot stand the strain to which they are subjected. Deprived of abiding norms and values and surrounded by a chaos of con­ flicting norms and values they find themselves without any au­ thoritative guide. Investing all his energies in the control of nature, sensate man achieved a conspicuous de­ gree of success. But in this process he lost his self-control. Becoming — like a child toying with a bomb — infatuated with the physical forces at his dis­ posal, in an access of madness he directed them against him­ self and his own achievements. In his eagerness to serve mam­ mon he forgot to serve God, and he now pays the tragic price of his folly.

For further information write to the Dean, Dr. Charles L. Feinberg 13800 BIOLA AVE., LA MIRADA, CALIF. GOOD LISTENING...FOR ALL OF SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA

From Santa Barbara and Bakersfield on the North, the desert on the East, the ocean on the West and San Diego on

the South. . . the

is heard 18 hours daily over BIOLA’s two FM stations.

Listen to "Telephone Request Time" with Brian Bastien, 10:00 A.M. Weekdays Thomas E. Steele, Manager

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1 0 7 . 8 M . C . (transmitting from Nit. Wilson)

S A N D IE G O P K B B W J3 9 1 0 2 . 0 M . C . (Full time FM Multiplex Stereo)

• Enjoy

"Recipe for Good Listening" with Roger Booth

Daily at 10:30 A.M. Phill Butler, Manager


For further information about FM, and for complete program logs, write BIOLA EXTENSION DEPARTMENT, 558 South Hope Street, Los Angeles 17, California.


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