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WE ARE . . . Training Indians to reach Indians for Christ in a 3-year Bible curriculum. GRADUATES: Pastors, Teachers, and Evangelists. TUITION FREE Low Room and Board costs write to: IND IAN BIBLE ACADEMY Box 158 Cottonwood, Arizona Sponsored by: Conservative Baptist Home Mission Society
Don Hustad has been appointed to a position at Philadelphia College of
ed to the Senate in 1944. He was au thor of the Dilworth Act, which en abled school boards to discharge Communist teachers. Senator Dil worth has served on the Board of Directors of the Bible Institute of Los Angeles, Inc. Lol« Carlson, wife of Dr. Paul Carl son, missionary surgeon murdered in the recent uprising in the Congo, is writing his life story for publi cation early in 1966 by Harper & Row. The title will be “ Paul Carl son, M.D.” Starting with her hus band’s early years, Mrs. Carlson will describe his boyhood, his decision to give up the rewards of a doctor’s secure life in California in exchange for mission work in the Congo, his labors in the Congo, and the final tragic drama that took her hus band’s life. Dr. Arthur M. Climenhaga, executive director of the National Association series were Dr. Clyde W. Taylor, gen eral director of NAE; Dr. Hudson T. Armerdlng, president of Wheaton Col lege; and Rev. George McNeill, execu tive secretary of the National Sun day School Association. Horace L. Fenton, Jr., missionary member of the Latin America Mis sion since 1948, has been named to succeed the late Dr. R. Kenneth Strachan as general director of the Latin America Mission. Mr. Fenton min istered 13 years in the pastorate and as a chaplain of the Army Air Force in Europe during World War II. Prior to beginning his mission ary service with LAM in 1948, he served on the Mission’s board of trustees. James Draper, station manager for WMBI, recently announced that the FCC has granted Moody Bible Insti tute’s Chicago FM station WMBI- FM, permission to increase its power to 100,000 watts. The boost will double its present output, mak ing it Chicago’s third most powerful FM station. Mr. Draper says the in crease will provide better reception for listeners. DR. CLIM ENHAGA of E vange lica ls, spoke recently on t h e N a t i o n a l Broadcasting Com pany series “ Faith in Action.” For the month of July, the theme was “Con cepts in Spiritual Renewal.” On .the three Sundays, speakers for the
Bible as a consult ant in church-re lated music. Dr. Hustad served for many years as the director of the Sa cred Music Depart ment at Moody Bible In s titu te , and currently is the o r g a n is t for
DR. HUSTAD the Billy Graham Evangelistic Team, in which ca pacity he continues to serve. Ac cording to Mr. Alfred E. Lunde, di rector of the Music Department at PCB, Dr. Hustad will visit the campus from time to time in confer ence with the music faculty, the cur riculum committee, and officers of ad ministration. His actual duties will consist of objectively surveying and criticizing the present music pro gram. Frit* Ridenour, managing editor of Teach, the award-winning Sunday school idea magazine published by Gospel Light Publications, has intro duced another useful section of helps for Sunday school superin tendents entitled, “Worship Pro gram Outlines for Juniors and Youth.” These provide starter ideas and inexpensive resource suggestions which can help even the inexperi enced department superintendent plan and carry out a true worship program that fits his particular age group. “ Teach Worship Program Outlines are designed to help busy department superintendents guide their students in worship, without ‘opening exercises’,” states Mr. Ri denour. Jarrell McCracken, president of Word Records, Inc., announced that Word
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Books will release its first five titles this month at the ----- Evangelical Press A s s o c ia t io n con vention in Chica go. A second group of titles will be re leased in January 1966.
Nelson S. Dilworth, retired Califor nia State Senator, died recently in Hemet, California. S en a to r Dil worth, who did not seek re-election in 1960 after four four-year terms in theLegislature’s senior house, began his state political career as assemblyman in 1936. He was elect-
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