FLANNELGRAPHS from GENESIS to REVELATION Make your talks dynamic, your teaching easier with Story-O-Graphs Bible Characters. REALISTIC, LIFE-LIKE DRAWINGS, full COLOR, • large size. 13 colorful hand painted backgrounds. Vis-U-Fold , . . Aluminum Telescopic Tripod and'fabric board folds into compact roll. Write for FREE folder and price list to: STORY-O-GRAPHS, P.O. Box 145-M, Dept. KB, Pasadena 16, Calif.
EDITORIAL COMMENTS The editorials in THE KING’S BUSINESS are worth the price of the magazine alone. Please let me know if these are being put into reprints. I certainly could use a good supply each month. Mr. and Mrs. Robert B. Lind, Hayward, California Recently a neighbor of ours loaned us several issues of THE KING’S BUSINESS and we have enjoyed them so much. I would like to compliment you on such editorials as the one in the September 1964 issue. We agree with you for we feel so strongly that the issue of communism needs to be brought out into the open and that peo ple need to study and be made aware of what we are up against as things are in the world today. . . . We praise the Lord for the stand you take. Mrs. B. M. Crippin, Tucson, Arizona We always enjoy the articles so very much in THE KING’S BUSINESS. We missed Dr. Sutherland’s editorial in the April issue. We were glad to see the article, “ Christian Schools” (May issue.) Thank you so much for your articles on the Bible being the Word of God. I am so glad we are liv ing today and are seeing prophecy ful filled before our eyes. Mrs. i. Den Hollander, Pasadena, California OLD M AGA ZIN E S USED FOR BEACH FRONT M IN IST RY We want to take this opportunity to let you know that the back issues of your magazines have truly been a blessing not only to us but to many of the people with whom we work. Ours is a ministry to the poor and underprivileged along the ocean-front area of Venice, Calif. Few realize the destitute conditions and the depth of sin some of these people are in. All the magazines you have donated to us are given as tracts to those who come. The people are very anxious to receive them. For the most part they are not able to subscribe themselves. Many of these people come out of such a life of sin with no Christian or even church background that magazines are the only way they have of knowing about the Lord. The Lord has surely used King’s Business to draw many a soul to Him self and to cause many to grow in the grace and knowledge of their Saviour thereby. Rev. Fred H. Hilst, Pastor of The Bible Tabernacle, Venice, California E d . N ote : Subscribers who have back issues of The King’s Business which they are not using are invited to send them directly to Pastor Hilst. THE KING'S BUSINESS
Sel ctYourChristmasMusicfrom These... CANTATAS THE BLESSED MORN Talmadge W. Dean. Unison with descant for children’s choirs. Narration may be sung or spoken by medium voice adult. Performance time: about 18 minutes. $1.00 Record: 7-inch, 33% rpm. Mono. $1.49 Program folder: 500, $8.00; 1,000, $14.00 L0! A STAR Robert Graham. Unison and two-parts for children’s voices. Takes about 14 minutes to perform. $1.00 Record: 7-inch, 33% rpm. Mono. $1.49 DAWN OF REDEEMING GRACE Robert Graham. Mixed voices with soprano, alto, and tenor solos. For large or small choirs. Performance tim e: about 40 minutes. $1.25 Record: 12-inch, 33% rpm. Mono. $3.98 THE LORD EMMANUEL Robert Graham. Four-part mixed chorus with solos and narration. Performance takes about 30 minutes. $1.25 Record: 12-inch, 33% rpm. Mono. $3.98 Program folder: 500, $8.00; 1,000, $14.00 SING NOEL Jeanne Shaffer. An easy cantata-like collection of Christmas carols for mixed voices. Performance tim e: about 45 minutes. $1.25 ANTHEMS CHRISTMAS CHORAL SERIES Selections of medium difficulty for mixed voices (SATB), including: A Carol for Christmas, Dean Christ Was Born in Bethlehem, Hooper Christmas Morning, Appleby Christmas Pastoral, Appleby Let All Mortal Flesh Keep Silenee, Graham Sing Carols Gay, Laverty Each, CHRISTMAS CHORALE A recording of the 12 titles in the Christmas Choral Series. 12-inch, 33% rpm. Mono. $3.98 The Song of Christmas, Yang Come to Bethlehem, Hegenbart Forth We Go to Bethlehem, Ehret How Far Is It to Bethlehem, Powell Love Came Down at Christmas, Young The Star of Jacob, Bartlett 25*
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