King's Business - 1965-08


... and no wonder! These Dynamic Differences help BUILD Sunday Schools


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Tri-Level Adaptations


It’s not just academic; you need to know what your pupils are learning. If they do not understand, how can they come to the point where theywill realize their personal need for the Lord Jesus Christ as Saviour? Or grow in theknowledge of God’sWord? Quarterly Departmental Achieve­ ment Tests are geared to the lessons you are teaching (Junior through Adult classes). They help you evalu­ ate your teaching and give students opportunities for self-analysis. A teacher of Junior Highs in Florida wrote that since using DAT, “Pupils are more anxious to leam Bible truths and see how much they can remember.” It’s a wonderful way to find out if you are doing your best as a teacher. Tests come in sets of 5 with answer and grading sheet.

No double-talk, no blue-sky theory. Here’s a practical, sensible, easy-to- understand grading plan that makes teaching more penetrating and resultful. Popular departmental grouping is maintained, so that you hit the same target of truth in presession and wor­ ship as in instruction and expression. For the critical Primary and Junior years (grades 1-6) a different pupil’s manual is provided for each grade. In this way all pupils in a Primary or Junior department study the same lesson on a given Sunday, but each pupil learns on his own ability level. The pupil-matched books have vary­ ing assignments and type that suit the learning needs of each age. In other words, Tri-Level work­ books combine the very best features of all grading plans!

With ALL-BIBLE Graded material you approach class each Sunday con­ fident there’s no compromise—sure that every lesson is Christ-centered, Bible-based. You also know that each minute, each activity is focused on one aim. There’s even a correlated presession for early arrivals (designed to start pupils thinking of the lesson aim). Departmental themes enable the superintendent, during worship serv­ ice, to relate directly to the same lesson goal — without stealing his teachers’ thunder! Memory verse, class time instruc­ tion, and expression—even the chil­ dren’s take-home paper—all impress pupils with the same emphasis. THIS is “Total-Hour Teaching,” making every minute count for eter­ nity You have your pupils just 1 hour out of every 168. Dare you waste such precious time with less than a completely correlated effort?

Isn’t it time for YOU to change to the Une of Dynamic Differences?

SCRIPTURE PRESS SCRIPTURE PRESS PUBLICATIONS, INC., WHEATON, ILLINOIS 60188 Please send for consideration in my Sunday School, without cost or obligation, sample packets for the following department (s) : Q Cradle Roll □ Nursery □ Beginner □ Primary □ Junior 0 Young Teen 0 Senior High 0 Young Adult and Adult 0 Home (extension) Also send 0 General Catalog 0 Departmental Achievement Test Samples

Dept. KBA-85

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