—Albert Einstein “
members’ behalf to elected and community leaders, educating them about the issues affecting the real estate industry. By joining and being actively involved these associations, you benefit not only yourself but also the broader community because real estate is such an important economic driver.
Strive not to be a success, but rather to be of value.”
GIVING BACK TO LOCAL ORGANIZATIONS As a real estate professional, there are many ways you can give back to the community through local organizations. Think about volunteering your time to a service project or organizing or supporting an initiative you think would benefit a cause you care about. Consider financially supporting an organization whose mission you believe in or supports the mission of housing. If you have the time, perhaps you could even serve in a leadership capacity in one or two of these organizations. By modeling giving back, we not only contribute our immediate service but also inspire others to do so as well. SUPPORTING LOCAL LANDLORD/PROPERTY OWNER ASSOCIATIONS With so many issues affecting real estate and housing these days, it is in the real estate professional's best interest to join and be an active member of a local landlord, trade organization, or property owner association. These may be referred to as apartment associations, real estate investor associations, or a professional trade group. Their purpose is to inform their members about local and national issues affecting their businesses. They advocate on
government entities to achieve the housing and economic development goals the community needs.
As a real estate professional, you are knowledgeable about the issues facing real estate and can help educate elected and community leaders. By taking the time to visit, communicate with, and educate leaders, you help ensure the policies that are put in place are in the best interest of the community and the real estate industry. Keep in mind that we not only need to engage and educate but also vote for leaders and policies that add value to the community and our industry.
We all got our start not knowing much. Most of us owe our development, in great part, to the more experienced mentors who took the time to come alongside and support us as we grew in our real estate career. By being a mentor to a less experienced real estate professional, you are ensuring the standards of the industry are maintained. By being a mentor and paying forward your standards of professionalism, you are ensuring others will have a positive experience and impression of real estate professionals like yourself. CREATING AND SHARING VALUABLE CONTENT One of the most valuable things we can do as real estate professionals is create and share content with the community that educates them on marketplace conditions and the best ways for them to succeed in the current environment. Just choose your favorite medium and begin sharing your expertise. By creating and sharing content, you are ensuring the consumer and community are informed.
Real estate professionals need to do a better job of communicating the ways in which our businesses benefit the community. Review the six value-adds discussed here and be prepared to remind others in the community about them. The bottom line is that by continually adding value to the community, we help not only the community but also our own businesses and ourselves as real estate professionals. • Jeff Roth is the founder of Arbor Advising in Ann Arbor, Michigan. Arbor Advising is a real estate consultancy dedicated to growing and securing clients’ wealth. They are passionate about helping clients invest, buy, and sell in Michigan. You can contact Roth at jeff@arboradvising.com, visit www.arboradvising.com, or subscribe to the weekly newsletter at www.arboradvising.com/subscribe.
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