MAR23 BTNE Spring Edition


Editorial Director, BTN Group Elizabeth West Editor-In-Chief, BTN Europe Andy Hoskins Contributors Lauren Arena, Michael Baker, Amon Cohen, Rob Gill & Betty Low Art Director, BTN Group James Jarnot Designers, BTN Europe Tony Hunt & Samantha Dilley Want the news delivered to your inbox? Want to know when new podcasts are available? And to receive our monthly round-up? Sign-up to regular BTN Europe e-newsletters: newsletters

26 The distribution issue COVER STORY FROM PAGE


Group Publisher Louis Magliaro Managing Director EMEA Nick Powell

Marketing Director Jonathan Carter-Chapman Advertising Production Amanda Ludman

26-29 Setting the scene To appreciate today’s intricate business travel distribution landscape it’s helpful to understand its circuitous backstory 30-33 Primed for take-off Few areas of business travel are as divisive as NDC but it is now coming to fruition whether it’s welcomed or not 34-35 Mapping it out Illustrating the complex web of pipes and players that deliver airlines’ fares and offerings to their corporate customers 36-38 Central reservations The distribution landscape’s backbone for decades, legacy GDSs are now grappling with convening content in one place 40-42 In the thick of it As travel content becomes increasingly fragmented, TMCs are facing a battle to knit all parties together 44-47 Beyond the margins The distribution of rail content has its challenges but progress is imminent 48-50 At the coalface The evolution of distribution is manifesting in ways that aren’t all music to buyers’ ears

BTN Europe is published by Northstar Travel Group, Spaces, The Epworth, 25 City Road, Shoreditch, London EC1Y 1AA

REGULARS 6-7 In case you missed it The best of BTN Europe online 8-9 Databank Buyers and TMCs share their respective outlooks and views 10-13 Spotlight Series: TMCs Leaders of four business travel organisations deliver their assessments of the market 14-16 Spotlight Series: TMCs The subscription model’s lukewarm reception 18-23 Spotlight Series: TMCs The reasons for – and implications of – TMCs’ often convoluted roster of fees

Copyright ©2023 Northstar Travel Group and/or its subsidiaries and licensors. Corporate offices: 301 Route 17 North,

Suite 1150, Rutherford, NJ 07070, United States. All rights reserved.

The magazine is entirely independent of all commercial interests within the travel industry. Unsolicited manuscripts will not be accepted for publication. The opinions expressed by contributors are not necessarily those of the publishers who cannot accept responsibility for any errors or omissions.

ISSN 2634-3053

25 According to Amon Artificial intelligence is infiltrating the industry


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