Royal Atrium Inn | Life Style Newsletter | April 2024

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APRIL 2024


Life at Royal Atrium Inn A Message from Rick VandenBerg

The intricate balance of ecosystems is a testament to God’s providence. The delicate harmony between sunlight, rain, soil, and air creates an environment conducive to growth and vitality. April showers, like a divine elixir, infuse the soil with moisture, awakening dormant seeds from their winter slumber. The seemingly unassuming raindrops become catalysts for the germination of life, propelling the earth into a season of lush greenery and vibrant blossoms. In the sacred scriptures of various faiths, water is frequently associated with

God’s Provision of April Showers to Feed May Flowers In the grand tapestry of nature, the transition from winter’s cold embrace

to spring’s warm bloom is a testament to the intricate dance orchestrated by our Lord. Among the various elements at play, none symbolizes renewal and abundance quite like the phenomenon of April showers nurturing May flowers. This poetic cycle of life, so seamlessly interwoven with divine design, reveals a profound truth about God’s provision for the Earth and its inhabitants. April, often heralded as a bridge between the harshness of winter and the vibrancy of spring, carries a sacred responsibility in the divine choreography of seasons. It is a month where the heavens open up, releasing gentle droplets that cascade down to the waiting earth below. These are not just raindrops; they are God’s provision, a celestial blessing designed to quench the thirst of a parched land and set the stage for the resurrection of life.

purification, renewal, and life. The concept of April showers

providing for May flowers resonates with these timeless teachings, underscoring the divine intention behind this seasonal metamorphosis. The rain, symbolizing a cleansing force, washes away the remnants of winter and paves the way for the emergence of new life. As the rain descends from the heavens, it symbolizes not only a physical cleansing but also a spiritual renewal. The droplets, like heavenly tears of joy, breathe life into the buds


and shoots that patiently await their moment to unfurl. In this process, we witness the divine artistry at play, where the Creator’s provision is manifested in the delicate balance of nature. Moreover, the provision of April showers extends beyond the realm of flora, embracing the entire ecosystem. The rivers and lakes, replenished by the rain, flow with a newfound vigor, sustaining a myriad of creatures that depend on these water sources for survival. The interconnectedness of all living things is a reflection of God’s benevolence, demonstrating that His provision transcends the boundaries of individual species. In contemplating the divine provision of April showers, we are invited to recognize the cyclical nature of life and the overarching plan woven into the fabric of creation. It inspires a sense of gratitude and awe for the intricate design of the universe, where each element plays a crucial role in the grand symphony directed by the Creator. The provision of April showers for May flowers is a divine spectacle, a sacred dance of renewal and abundance orchestrated by a higher power. As the raindrops fall gently to the earth, they carry with them the promise of life, heralding the arrival of a season teeming with blossoms and vitality. In this divine narrative, we find a profound lesson about gratitude, interconnectedness, and the boundless generosity of the Creator.

At the Table with Cris April 1st is National Sourdough Bread Day! As part of the California

Gold Rush, sourdough was the principal bread made in Northern California and is still a part of the culture of San Francisco today. The bread was so common at that time that the word “sourdough” became a nickname for the gold prospectors. In The Yukon and Alaska, a “sourdough” is also a nickname given to someone who has spent an entire winter north of the Arctic Circle. It refers to their tradition of protecting their sourdough during the coldest months by keeping it close to their body. The sourdough tradition was also carried into Alaska and western Canadian territories during the Klondike Gold Rush.

Source: (616) 772-1248 | | 400 Parkside Drive | Zeeland, MI 49464


Life Enrichment Activities for April Movie: Ends of the Earth Friday, April 5 th 2pm — Activity Room Documentary from

Music with Gary McCourry Monday, April 15th 3pm — Activity Room Join us for an afternoon of lively saxophone!

McCleary’s son about the unexpected ways God uses people’s passions to transform lives. “Take flight as you join Mission Aviation Fellowship on a journey to change the world for Christ.” Run time: 84 minutes.

Resident Monthly Birthday Party Friday, April 19th 2pm — Activity Room

Lunch Outing: James Street Inn Wednesday, April 10 th 11am Bus Departure

Dollar Tree Outing Wednesday, April 24th 1pm Bus Departure Linda’s Piano Program Friday, April 26th 2pm — Activity Room

Where in the World? Trivia Game Friday, April 12th 2pm — Activity Room (616) 772-1248 | | 400 Parkside Drive | Zeeland, MI 49464


Chaplain’s Corner

You are not alone in your journey…God is continually walking with you every step of the way. Jesus was “a man of sorrows, acquainted with deepest grief.” (Isaiah. 53:13) We indeed serve a Savior who understands. The Lord is close to the brokenhearted, and He saves those whose spirits have been crushed. (Psalm.34:18) y God draws you close to Himself. He is not standing on the sidelines. y He gives you this Royal Park Community for support. y He gives you the Hope of Heaven as you grieve. y “I don’t know how you go through losing someone without your faith to carry you.” Others share this about their Griefshare experience: y “This class made me realize that there are steps and phases we go through in grief…some good days and bad. It was comforting to be with others on a similar journey, sharing their perspectives and experiences. This class helped me move forward.” —Sue (lost son to suicide) y “This class helped me to see that the feelings I’ve gone through this past year are normal and gave me the confidence to know I am on the right track as I continue to move through the grief process.” —Nancy (lost her husband) Let us walk together through grief toward healing and hope, and yes, even joy for the future. Facilitated by: Chaplain Doug, Chaplain Mary, and Harley VerBeek .

Thursdays, April 18 – May 23 3:00–4:00 pm Royal Atrium Activity Room Sign-Up sheet at the RPP main desk or at either RAI dining room. After the funeral, when the cards and flowers have stopped coming, most of the people around you return to their normal lives. But your grief continues, and you often feel alone. We invite you to join GriefShare as we continue to walk alongside each other through one of life’s

most difficult experiences. The purpose of GriefShare:

y To provide a safe, supportive environment in which people can come together to share concerns related to their loss and grief. y To help facilitate healthy ways of coping with loss and grief. During these 6 sessions we listen to others (video experts and testimonies); we listen to each other (through group discussion); and we listen to God (guided by scriptures and weekly workbook). (616) 772-1248 | | 400 Parkside Drive | Zeeland, MI 49464


ROYAL ATRIUM INN 400 Parkside Drive | Zeeland, MI 49464 | (616) 772-2224

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