Chaplain’s Corner
How does reciprocating God’s love show itself in practical ways? It’s not too different from any other love relationship. It’s built on trust, communication, and adoration. Loving Jesus needs to be part of every aspect of our lives. When I first fell in love with Dave (now my husband of 43 years), I remember I talked about him so much that one of my co-workers actually offered me a monetary prize if I would STOP talking about him all the time! It probably didn’t help that she and I were working in a small camper that served as our office, and there was nowhere for her to escape my constant talking about Dave! I was consumed by my love for him. That’s an imperfect representation of what it means to love the Lord your God with all your heart, soul, mind, and strength. According to Jesus, nothing is more important than loving God and loving people. Let’s make reciprocating his love for us our desire and the prayer of our hearts every moment of every day! Happy February and Happy Valentine’s Day!
One month of 2025 is already in the history books! As we begin February, our thoughts turn to Valentine’s Day and the theme of “Love.” Jesus told his followers and tells us today, “I love you” - “As the Father has loved me, so have I loved you” (John 15:9). In Mark 12:30, Jesus says that the first and greatest command is this: “Love the Lord your God with all your heart, all your soul, all your mind, and all your strength.” Our love for Jesus should be the driving force in our lives as we reciprocate his love for us.
—Chaplain Cindy (616) 772-1248 | | 400 Parkside Drive | Zeeland, MI 49464
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