Autumn 2019 - Optical Connections Magazine

E-2000 ™



Future-proof one-piece design - The best E-2000 ever -

Fast assembly -

simplified termination process.

performance you can rely on.

easy to use in the field.

Frequently copied. never im- Supplied by HUBER•SUHNER for proved on: the push-pull mechc)- more then 25 yeors. the SC 1s nisrn pctented by HUBER+SUHNER now ovoiloble os o one-piece combines simple inscollotion with design. giving c stable ond relic- moximum density, ideal for envi- ble connection and simplified ronments with limited access. termination process.

For themost opticolly demond1ng opplicot1ons. the HUBER+SUHNER E-2000 always excels - excellence in design ondmonufccturing processes included


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