King's Business - 1958-05

FLANNELGRAPHS from GENESIS to REVELATION Make your talks dynamic, your teaching easier with Story-O-Graphs Bible Characters. REALISTIC, LIFE-LIKE DRAWINGS, full COLOR, large size. 13 colorful hand painted backgrounds. Vis-U-Fold . , . Aluminum Telescopic Tripod and fabric board folds into compact roll. Write for FREE folder and price list to STORY-O-GRAPHS, P.O. Box 145-M, Dept. KB, Pasadena 16, Calif. — —

Opportunity for a Rewarding Vocation for both men and women IMAGINE YOURSELF EARNING

$10,000 A YEAR! or up to $75 a week and more in your spare time It’s being done by ambitious Christians with a vision— and you can do it, too!

isfit inford

..t . Ji-.fii Are you dissatisfied in your present position—not particularly happy in the environment? You’d like to become associated with an organization where you can combine energetic Christian service with rewarding financial gain. You want an opportunity where your earnings can be commensurate with productive effort—limited only by your own am­ bition, ability and vision to serve God and community. Perhaps you find it difficult to make ends meet. You’d like to get things for the home or family that your present salary doesn’t permit— and you’d like to turn your spare time into profitable activity.

:t a girl like Peggy Lansing ime with him?

on and the smile left his face so quickly that it might have been a mask he was wearing. How pre­ sumptuous can a guy get? Asking Peggy Lansing to the Saturday afternoon football game! Him — Tom Andrews — the misfit! The name caused inward pain and, though he tried to shrug it off, the thought persisted. He brooded long after he got home and in his own room. How well he recalled those occa­ sions both at church and at school when groups of young people sud­ denly stopped talking as he drew near. How could he forget their pitying, s om e t im e s s c o r n f u l , glances as he stood on the sidelines at sporting events. And then that terrible day when he had heard the word whispered as he walked by a group of fellows at school. M isfit! Laboriously he rose and walked to the mirror; he examined his re­ flection closely. His hair was blond and cropped short, features regular, eyes blue and wide-set, shoulders broad. He grimaced. It was just that one side that was so deformed, The King's Business/May 1958

offered in coupon below. To list just a few: Murray Hall, who resigned his teaching position, earned $748.00 in one month . . . Rev. Raymond Kramer, busy pastor, made $303.00 in a month part time . . . Dr. Herbert Blashfield, earned $12,131.40 in one year . . . Mrs. Hazel Garberson, housewife and mother, earned from $3,985.00 to $5,400.00 a year part time, over a 15-year period. These people, whether devoting full or part time to their positions, are ful­ filling an important Christian Service in their communities—and doing very well financially.

Then here’s your opportunity to become associated with a company that has been in business for over 35 years—highly respected by Christian leaders in every Protestant denomination. Our Service is recommended by men and women you know. Our program is unique—it has no competition. Every Christian home in your town and neighboring communities is a prospect. You do no “ cold canvass­ ing,” but work on a proven selected lead system. No deliveries to make. Find out for yourself what others have done—send for f r e e f o l d e r

You, too, can enjoy this same profitable work if you team up with our well established organization. Just fill in the coupon NOW—and we’II help you get started immediately! I________________________ CLIP AND MAIL T O D A Y !------------------------------------------------- Mr. Paul van Antwerpen, president I 1018 S. Wabash Avenue, Dept. K58 * Chicago 5, Illinois YES, I’ M INTERESTED in information concerning a Q Full Time Q Part Time position with your company. I understand I am under no obligation. Please send me the folder, “ A ' Business Opportunity,” which pictures 26 of your successful representatives and shows a record of their earnings. Also send me complete information on your program. MY NAME IS______________ _______ ' - _______ !_______ j_____________________ I (Please state whether M r., Miss, or Mrs.) j ADDRESS__________ _______ - , _____________________ _ _________ ________ 4 ______________ I CITY________ — ___________s_______________________ZONE________ STATE____________________I L . PRESENT OCCUPATION_________ ' ________ :_____________________________ . _______


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