King's Business - 1958-05


in Lima announced that the plane had been sighted. All this happened on Friday night. The Saturday morning paper carried the story by an AP corres­ pondent in Peru. Calls of congratu­ lations began coming in to Tom. He had never been a hero before. Indeed, he had not even expected the newspapers in America to even publish the incident. It was all so incredible that he, Tom Andrews, had been responsible for saving the lives of two of God’s chosen serv­ ants; he who had never been cap­ able of performing an act of heroism before. In the midst of these calls came a call from Peggy. “ I hope you’ll forgive me for having to let you know so late, Tom, but I can get off from work after all. For the game, I mean.” And the happiness disappeared from Tom’s heart. After he hung up the phone his stare traveled slowly to his left shoe that in real­ ity was not a shoe at all. Rather it was a mass of leather put neatly to­ gether to hide the horrible thing that should have been a foot. W hy should Peg ever want to go out with him? W hy had she waited until the last minute to say she would go to the game with him? There could be but one reason. She, like everyone else, had read the newspaper account. And suddenly she liked him. Suddenly he was good enough to talk to, to be seen with, to walk beside. . . . He picked Peggy up at her home at seven o’clock. She was wearing a rose-colored dress that accentu­ ated her dark hair and sparkling eyes; but Tom could think only of his disappointment in her — that she would go out with him now, after the story appeared in the paper. The game ended and Tom could not even have told what the final score was. He took Peggy to the Burger Basket for a hamburger. There they sat opposite each other in a booth. “ Tom, have I done —- or said y*f something wrong? You’ve been so — well, so different this evening.” He glanced up at her, revealing the grim line about his mouth. He hesitated. He couldn’t hurt Peggy by telling her his thoughts, even though she had hurt him.

BETHEL is the location of Mission Residences, Medical Center, Bible Con­ ference for patients, and 35A. Farm for self-support. • Payment due April 30th, 1958 ................................ $1,000 • Additional due to complete payments for site...........$2,000 " F r e e ly y e h a v e re c e iv e d , fre e -

|y g iv e .”

— M a t t . 10 :8

Scene at Bethel Center

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IN T E R N A T IO N A L C H R IST IAN LEPROSY M I S S IO N P.O. Box 8164 Portland, Oregon or, (Tear off and use for your reply) P.O. Box 297 North Vancouver, B.C. CANNON BEACH BIBLE CONFERENCES

S E A SO N JU L Y 3rd - SEPT. 1st In Oregon’s Summer Wonderland

Linen & bedding supplied with accommodations

Food you'll really enjoy! D IS T IN C T IV E M U S IC

Speakers Dr. Bob Thieme

Dr. Duff Forbes

Dr. Armin Gesswein Eugenia Price

Dr. Carlton Booth

Dr. Clyde Narramore

A lso Youth Camp and Village Missions Write for program C A N N O N BEACH, ORE. BOX 398


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