King's Business - 1958-05

“ Tom, would you mind if Kathy and I join you?” a voice asked sud­ denly. “ All the booths are taken »5 “ Oh, George! Sure, sit down.” He moved over to give George room to sit beside him, Kathy sat beside Peggy. “ I read that article this morn­ ing, Tom. That was really quick thinking. How does it happen that no one but you picked up that message?” Tom glanced uneasily at Peggy. “ Those things happen in radio.” “ God must have caused a mir­ acle to keep those men from being killed outright. As it is, Rev. Morris has a s e r i o u s s k u l l fracture.” George’s eyes narrowed thought­ fully. “ Something, too, when you stop to think that they were taking that radio transmitter and batteries to a mission station and then had opportunity to use it themselves.” Peggy frowned; she was per­ plexed. “What are you talking about, George? What radio and what missionaries?” Tom stared at her incredulously, searching her face for the answer to his misgivings. His voice was a whisper. “ Peggy, I thought you knew! I thought — didn’t you see the morning’s paper?” “ No, I worked until two this afternoon. That’s when I called to let you know about the game.” Tom bowed his head. Numbly he reached across the table for her hand. “ Can you ever forgive me? I’ve spent so much time feeling sorry for myself that . . . .” George’s hand was on his shoul­ der. “ You thought no one could like you for yourself. Tom, do you think that leg of yours could keep anyone from liking you? Oh sure, maybe a few fellows at school, but not Christians, Tom — not real Christians.” Tom ’s voice was barely audible. “ I see it now, George. For the first time in my life I really see it. Thanks — thanks a lot!” And then they were talking and laughing and Tom felt a strange, warm glow inside. These people were his friends — and all the time — but no, that was in the past now. And a wordless prayer formed in his heart, a prayer of thankfulness to a faithful Saviour. For He was suddenly very real, very close. END.



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The King's Business/May 1958


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