King's Business - 1958-05



G.I.s Build Own Chapel A home-made chapel built of sal­ vaged materials by G.I.s in their spare time at the Red Canyon Nike missile range near Carrizozo, N. Mex., was dedicated recently by Major General Patrick J. Ryan, chief of Army chaplains. Ryan told the troops: “ This has the heart and soul of you men in it. A building such as this means a great deal more than a large and more expensive chapel built by Congressional ap­ propriations.” Established as a tem­ porary range in 1953, the post has only three authorized permanent buildings. Religious services were held in a quonset theatre. Another Peace Proposal Prohibition of nuclear weapons testing and increased authority for the United Nations were recom­ mended by the Federation of Amer­ ican Scientists recently as steps “ along the road to world peace.” The federation, to which 2,000 scientists and engineers in all fields belong, specifically suggested: “ . . . an international agreement to stop further testing of nuclear arms. The setting up of United Nations moni­ toring systems to implement such an agreement and to control long- range missile tests. Making “ open” all studies of long-range missiles, satellites and space platforms so they would be the common property of all mankind. An increase in the power of the Un i t e d Nat i ons through the creation of a permanent United Nations police force.” The f ede r a t i on memb e r s said, “ The agreement banning nuclear tests would prevent the entry of still more nations into the arms race, and would allay the fear aroused by the potential hazards of radioactive fall­ out.” Petrified Tree Found Miners at Codlea, Rumania have discovered a petrified tree. It is “ es­ timated to be 150,000,000 years old,” the Rumanian news agency Agerpress reported recently. The tree, about 27 inches thick, looks like a hard rock. But the original shape of its roots, trunk and branch­ es is still well preserved.

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used by The Bible Institute of Los Angeles, Inc.


PRINTED PAGE — Biola Book Room, a large evangelical book store in downtown Kowloon distributing Bibles and literature in English and Chinese. YOUTH CENTER — Recently built in the New Territories. Primary and Evening Schools for factory workers and their chil­ dren. Summer and winter Bible Confer­ ences.

GOSPEL PREACHING — Emmanual Church holding regular services in English and Chinese in the heart of the colony and the Countryside. M ED ICAL M IN IST R Y — Emmanual Clinic with two doctors and a regular staff of nurses and evangelists, treating over 1,500 monthly.

For complete information and gifts, please write:

Charles A. Roberts, D.D., Superintendent The Bible Institute of Los Angeles, Inc. Hong Kong Department 558 South Hope St., Los Angeles 17, California

YOU AND YOUR TITHE Some folks don’t know that the subscription price plus a moderate amount of advertising is not enough to pay the actual cost of publishing a magazine like T h e K in g ’ s B u si ­ n ess . This work can only continue as additional gifts are sent in each month by our readers. Why not set aside a part of your tithe each month for this purpose? Send to: Tithe Dept., T h e K in g ’ s B usiness , 558 So. Hope St., Los Angeles 17, Calif. Thank you for your prayerful con­ sideration of this monthly need. — Your Editors 28

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