King's Business - 1958-05

James O. Henry, M.A., Editor/ Associate professor of History, Biola Bible College

its sovereignty to a world govern­ ment in which an atheistic Russia would have a leading role. Fund to Train Native Clergymen From Achimoto, Ghana comes word of the creation of a $4,000,000 theological education fund to train native clergymen in missionary areas where the churches are be­ coming autonomous. Dr. Charles W . Ranson of New York, Secretary of the International Missionary Council, said the fund had been made possible by a gift of $2,000,000 from John D. Rocke­ feller, Jr. to the council for this purpose contingent upon the pledge of a similar amount by the foreign missions boards of eight denomina­ tions. The boards are: the Method­ ist Church, the Presbyterian Church in the U.S.A., the American Baptist Convention, the United Lutheran Churches in America, the Congre­ gational Christian Churches, the

International Convention of Chris­ tian Churches (Disciples of Christ), the Protestant Episcopal Church and the Evangelical and Reformed Church. Indoor Plumbing 4,000 Years Ago The ancient Sumerians, long ex­ tinct as a nation but gaining credit as discoverers of our material bene­ fits, have just been given another “ first.” Already regarded as the inventors of writing and the wheel and discoverers of some metals, Da­ nish archaeologists digging in Bah­ rein Island in the Persian Gulf have come up with the flush toilet. They thought they had located the grave of a Sumerian king and ex­ pected a gilt coffin when their blades struck metal. The “modem” plumbing equipment which they found instead was probably con­ structed by the Sumerians 4,000 years ago, according to Svenska Dagbladet of Stockholm, Sweden.

A World Law Urged Norman Cousins, editor of The Saturday Review, said recently that the solution to this “ gravest moment in human history” could be found only in a world law. Cousins spoke before 3,000 Meth­ odist students attending a six-day conference at the University of Kansas. “ The kind of policies that might have made sense 50 years or even 15 years ago are obsolete to­ day,” he said. “ If we think in terms of military security alone, we will lose our security. If we think in terms of national sovereignty alone, we will destroy our sovereignty.” In a strong appeal for “ world govern­ ment,” he told these students that, “ No policy makes sense for this na­ tion unless it concerns -the entire human situation and the present overwhelming danger to the human community.” W e might add that America must think seriously before surrendering

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The King's Business/May 1958

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