King's Business - 1958-05

BOOK REVIEWS continued

The Glorious Best Seller that has swept into Christian hearts — - the great

worldly authors on various subjects related to the doctrines of Holy Scrip­ ture. The claim of the publishers is that this book contains the “ greatest literature of the Christian era, reflect­ ing the spirit of the Bible and restat­ ing its immortal truths.” It is William Barrett Millard’s be­ lief that God speaks not only through the words to be found in the Scrip­ tures, but in the words which our most brilliant men of letters have brought to Christian thought. The Board of Associate Editors in­ cludes ministers of every persuasion, including Unitarians and Universal- ists. No evangelical Christian can en­ dorse this mockery of the complete and final authority God has given us in His Word, to the exclusion of the weak wisdom of men. 520 pages; cloth; Vantage Press, New York; $5.00. — Reviewed by Norman B. Rohrer. She Shall Be Called Woman By Frances Vander Velde This gallery of character sketches of great and good women of the Bible is Frances Vander Velde’s first book. She formerly edited The Young Cal­ vinist. She first published these chapters by serial in The Illinois Observer. Her style is straightforward. She is sympathetic with her characters’ fail­ ures, harsh with their deliberate mis­ takes, loaded with spiritual side- truths that turn her treatise into good material for devotions and discussion. Listed at the end of each chapter are discussion questions about the woman under consideration plus general in­ quiries about the nature of life ( “ Is there something commendable about everybody?” or “What does this mean — Parents, if you desire honor be worthy?” ). 258 pages; cloth; Kregel Publications, Grand Rapids; $2.95. — Reviewed by Norman B. Rohrer. Egypt in Biblical Prophecy By Wilbur M. Smith Although Egypt boas t s o f the greatest civilization of the ancient world up to the time of the flowering of Greek c i v i l i z a t i o n , very few writers have related it to biblical prophecy. One scholar and friend of the author went so far as to say that this volume may be said to be the first extensive examination of the subject of Egypt in biblical prophecy that has appeared in the English language. Smith includes a discussion of the general subject of the geography of biblical prophecy, a chapter on Egypt

story of the jungle missionary,martyrs

Through Gates o f Splendor By ELISABETH ELLIOT With 60 pages of thrilling photo­ graphs by the missionaries and CORNELL CAPA “ A missionary classic . . . a powerful portrayal of a type of Christian dedi­ cation to which the modern world is a stranger.” — F r a n k E. G a ebe le in , Evangelical Book Club 105,000 COPIES IN PRINT $3.75 at your bookseller HARPER & BROTHERS, N. Y. 16 Were sold in 1955 by members of Societies, Clubs, Groups, etc. They enable you to earn money for your treasury, and make friends for your organization. Samples FREE to Officials SANGAMON MILLS Established 1915 Cohoes, N.Y. Subscriptions to King’s Business make excellent gifts. 1. For one pen­ MONEY FOR YOUR TREASURY OVER 2,000,000 SUNFLOWER DISH CLOTHS

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