King's Business - 1958-05

BOOK REV IEW S continued

Teach H EDvaffl» I with Christ ■ ft;VI'1" I LOIS E. UBAR j ■ ? EDUCATION THAT IS CHRISTIAN From the Bible itself, Dr. LeBar derives truly Christian teaching methods. She shows that Christian education can be given new power by replacing man-made systems with God’s system. $3.75

Small Giant By Phyllis Woodruff Sapp

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Phyllis Sapp, first prize winner in Zondervan’s $5,000 5th International Christian Fiction Contest, recounts realistically the dramatic incidents of one man’s courageous fight against the leaders of crime in Capitol City, Okla. Short, hot-tempered Phil Sanders, who prompts the title of the book, risks love and life in the battle to rescue teen-agers from the evils of liquor and dope. With unique drama­ tization, vivid characterization and real-life impact, the writer designs semi-tragic events which make the reader doubt the hero’s ability to over­ come. But Phil Sanders had a call from God and he emerged triumphant from the terrific odds and overpower­ ing obstacles, redeeming the city’s teen-agers from the shackles of crime and leading many of them to Christ. Those who enjoy reading light fic­ tion will find the novel easy reading, convincing and interesting. Phyllis Sapp spent six years writing this sequel of events common in Anytown, U.S.A. She not only reveals the heart­ breaking effects of power-bent gang leaders, but shows how great battles are fought and won in the lives of Christian laymen. 281 pages; cloth; Z on d e r v a n Publ. House, Grand Rapids; $3.00. — Reviewed by Ear- nestine Ritter. END.

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C^all To Prayer

No bell tolls, no prayer wheel turns, No fetishes wave in the air, But deep within my heart there bums Thy quiet Call to Prayer. Within the stillness—a silent Voice And my heart is drawn to Thee, Above all earthly strife and noise To Thine Own Sanctuary. There for communion here unknown, For battles in heavenly places, I enter, with none but Thee, alone, And Thy Presence all else replaces. To know Thy heart! Feel Thy woe O’er souls long in despair! Lord, may I heed while here below Thy silent Call to Prayer. — Sybil Myers Beck

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