King's Business - 1958-05

H e art a n d H a n d OBJECTS: Two correspondence enve­ lopes, a small blue paper heart, a small brown paper hand and a pair of scissors. (Cut down both sides and across the bottom of one of the en­ velopes. Discard the irregular half of the envelope, keeping the complete side that bears the flap. Insert this side and flap in the uncut envelope with the gummed portion in the nor­ mal position for sealing. This will make a partition in the envelope.

Print the word “ skill” on the hand and place between the two flaps and inside the envelope. Then stick the flaps together. This gives the envelope the appearance of being empty. On the front of the envelope print the word “ Bezaleel.” ) LESSON: Here is an envelope which appears to be empty. The name “ Be- zaleel” is written on the front of it. He was a man who was prepared by the Lord as a workman to help with the construction of the tabernacle. The Lord said of him, “ And I have filled him with the spirit of God, in wisdom, and in understanding, and in knowledge, and in all manner of workmanship” (Ex. 31:3). We will take this blue heart, rep­ resenting this man’s heart, and write the word “ Spirit” on it and place it in the envelope representing the man. Whenever the Spirit of God is in the heart of a man something unusual happens. We will take the scissors, open the envelope and see what we find. (Cut the end off of the envelope opening the back compartment where the paper hand is, and take it out.) Instead of the heart with the word “ Spirit” written on it, we find a hand with the word “ skill” written on it. This is what happened to the man Bezaleel; because God put His Spirit with him, Bezaleel had hands that were skillful in making the taber­ nacle. We read in 2 Chronicles 1:5, “Moreover the brasen altar, that Bez­ aleel . . . had made, he put before the tabernacle of the Lord . . . .” This man, about whom we have been studying, was not spoiled by re­ ceiving the Spirit of God, he was im­ proved. People today are not spoiled by receiving Christ and the Spirit of God—they are greatly improved, no matter what kind of work they are doing. END.

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The King's Business/May 1958

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