King's Business - 1958-05

Dr. Clyde M. Narramore, iduate of Columbia Uni­ versity, New York City, is chologist and Consultant in Research and Guidance ith one of the largest school systems in America.

I am thrilled every time I learn of teen-agers witnessing for Christ in the classroom. And this is one of the very best ways to do it. The booklet is C h r is t-cen te red and through it some of your classmates may come to know our wonderful Lord. In Need of Psychiatric Help Q. How does a relative go about helping a person see that he needs psychiatric help? I know that he is mentally ill but no one can get him to see a psychiatrist. A. This is, of course, a common problem. When a person is mental­ ly ill, he usually does not realize that he is ill. One of the best ways to get him to see a psychiatrist is to have him to consult with his own family physician. The relative can phone the physician and give him a back­ ground of the case so that he can understand the person better and make referral to a fellow medical doctor — a psychiatrist. Brain Shrinker Q. Is it true that alcoholism causes one’s brain to shrink? A. Yes, severe alcoholism of long standing may cause shrinkage of the entire brain. This evidence was obtained by Dr. S. A. Skillicom, neurologist at the University of California School o f M e d i c i n e . Damage to a portion of the brain which controls the coordination of movements has been associated with alcoholism for about 50 years. But now we know that severe alcoholism may cause the entire brain to shrink.

next unit is “ family relationships” which deals with sex, marriage and family living. It seems that un­ saved people need something other than the world’s explanation of sex, marriage and family living. If possible could you send me a few copies of printed material on these things so I can give them to my classmates? I’ll give them to the entire class. A. Yes, I’d be glad to. I have a 16- page booklet entitled The Mothers and Dads in Your Courtship and Marriage. It is written for college and high school age young people and shows the importance of seek­ ing your parents’ advice in matters of dating, courtship and marriage. It is written in an interesting, lively style which will appeal to young people. It is free of charge and I will send it to anyone who will read it and pass it along to a friend. Just write Box 206, Pasadena, Calif. CH R IST IAN P S Y C H O LO G Y L o n g o v e r d u e ? Yes, but ready a t last: C h r is t - c e n t e r e d l it e r a t u r e in the field of p s y c h o l o g y . To help you in your daily living, counseling, speaking and writing. When you join the f e l l o w s h ip p l a n you will receive for one full year, a h o o k - l e t EACH MONTH. Such topics: SELF-CON­ FIDENCE, ADOPTION, DEVOTIONS, COURTSHIP & MARRIAGE, OLD AGE, MIXED MARRIAGES, COUNSELING TECHNIQUES, HANDLING FEAR, MENTAL HEALTH, PROBLEM CHILDREN, TEEN­ AGERS. Also each month you will receive my s m a ll MAGAZINE, PSYCHOLOGY FOR LIVING, which is packed with interesting and help­ ful articles dealing with psychology and the Bible, c o st : Ten dollar gift (payable as you wish) toward my national radio and Christian literature ministry. Gifts receipted for tax purposes (non-profit, Christian corporation), se n d t o d a y : Clyde M. Narramore, Box 206, Pasadena, Calif. ASK FOR FELLOWSHIP PLAN. Advertisement

What Shall I Do? Q. M y parents taught me about God when I was a child; that’s why I want to be saved now. I know I am a sinner. M y husband is against this, but I want it. I want to be able to teach my son who is very dear to me. I prayed for years to have a child, then God gave us the chance to adopt a baby. You can imagine how I must feel about him. A. Many people are held back from making the decision for Christ that they know they should make. And I can understand how you feel. You know what you would like to do and yet you realize that it will cause a serious rift in your family. First of all, your main responsi­ bility is to God, not to man. So you should go right ahead and trust in Christ as your personal Saviour. Look up these verses: Romans 3:23, John 3:16, Ephesians 2 :8 ,9 , Ro­ mans 10:13, Revelation 3:20 and John 10:28. Read them several times, then on the authority of God’s Word, ask God to save you. It is the most important thing in life. After you have done this, read your Bible every day. I suggest that you read the book of John in the New Testament and the book of Psalms in the Old Testament. Mark verses that especially appeal to you. Memorize some verses each week. Pray daily. Then you will find that God will make you so lovable and sweet that your husband will not be able to resist you and the wonderful Christ you represent. Yes, you will have to walk carefully as a Chris­ tian. But you will have more joy and peace this way than being un­ saved and having the good will of your husband! High School Life Q. I am in the 12th grade and our

Readers are invited to submit questions to both Dr. Narramore and Dr. Talbot. Address questions to them c/o The King's Business, 558 So. Hope Street, Los Angeles 17, Calif.


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