King's Business - 1958-05

BOB JO N E S U N IV E R S Il| ^ P E C IA l! l| | S i I L ' S T I f I k JING B A C K BO N E S”

To send out graduates AtKOfirCj jh, T aM t, an institution must ¿O'M.'tend ftOK ~tl'le TaitU ,' Bob Jones University stands without apo logy for the "old-time, re lig ion " and the absolute Authority of the Bible. All over the world, graduates of the '* ¡0 W /*/s ¿Jnuuzujil are standing firm for the Fundamentals of the Faith and the Truth of the W ord of God—uncompromis­ ing in a day of compromise. If you are a young person of strong Christian conviction and character, Bob Jones University is the place for you to get your education and training for service. "

Music, speech, and art without additional cost above regular academic tuition

Institute of Christian Service, academy, and seventh and eighth grades in connection BOB JONES UNIVERSITY G R E E N V I L L E , S O U T H C A R O L I N A

Post session: July 7 - July 25

Regular summer session: June 2 - July 5

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