
We need access to a community of successful creatives who represent and understand us; mentors and role models we can relate to. It’s important for us to have access to role models who speak our language and allow us to feel at ease to be ourselves, knowing we’re not going to be judged. Often, the narrative of our work and who we are is rewritten to suit institutions. It is important that mentors and mentees understand each other, mutual training schemes and tailored matches could help to make this a reality. “YOU WANT TO FEEL LISTENED TO AND HAVE SOMEONE TO TALK TO. IF THERE’S A TEAM THAT HAS FELT MY NARRATIVE OR EXPERIENCED MY NARRATIVE IT MAKES SUCH A DIFFERENCE.”; “A DIVERSE TEAM WITH POC MAKES ME FEEL SAFE.”; “I’D LIKE TO FOCUS ON EQUITABLE CHANGE. EQUITY IS INTERLINKED TO OPPORTUNITY. EQUITY IS FINDING THE CREATIVES THAT WILL BENEFIT FROM THE SUPPORT AND OPPORTUNITIES AND THAT WILL HELP NURTURE NOT ONLY THE NEXT GENERATION OF VOICES BUT A MORE REPRESENTATIVE RANGE OF VOICES.”

Mutual learning and mentoring can also take place between generations. Traditionally, many of our communities and cultures value intergenerational dialogue and sharing. It would be great to have support for intergenerational friendships, models for working, learning and mentoring. There are initiatives for young people now but there’s a whole older generation that remains overlooked, and what happens when we turn 25? The focus should not be just for one generation but on learning from each other. We are always expected to learn and catch up to dominant cultural norms and industry expectations, but there’s knowledge in our communities, in all ages, that should be listened to. “BEING AROUND DIFFERENT GENERATIONS MAKES SUCH A DIFFERENCE, YOU LEARN SO MUCH.”; “THERE’S KIDS WHO COME AND ASK ME FOR ADVICE. I'M STILL YOUNG BUT I DIDN’T HAVE A MENTOR SO I TRY TO PROVIDE FOR THEM. IT’S MY RESPONSIBILITY.”;“THERE ARE GENERATIONAL DIVIDES, EVEN IN YOUR THIRTIES YOU CAN BE OUT OF TOUCH - IT’S IMPORTANT TO HAVE YOUNG


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