Research & Validation | Addressing Summer Reading Y1

• MSC is a sustainable model for engaging students and families in summer reading activities.

• Supporting annual summer reading initiatives such as MSC will continue to impact students and families in positive ways.

Findings from 2016 and 2017 to support these conclusions include:

•  Over two consecutive summers, MSC students reported reading more than 14 books, compared to the national average of 12 books . 3 Students reported reading 14.7 books in 2016, and 14.2 books in 2017. • MSC continues to build students’ home libraries. Students across both years, who began the summer with fewer than 10 children’s books in their homes, reported increases. In 2016, of the 15% of students who reported having 10 or fewer books at the beginning of the summer, 9% reported having 10 or fewer children’s books in the fall. In 2017, of the 11% of students who began the summer with 10 or fewer books in their homes, only 4% reported only having 10 or fewer children’s books in the fall. • For the second year, more than 75% of students agreed they were better readers in the fall because of the reading they did over the summer: 83% in 2016; 79% in 2017. • Across 2016 and 2017, more than 96% of families agreed that the books their children received from MSC contributed to them reading more over the summer. •  In 2016, 98% of families agreed that reading books over the summer would help their children during the school year; in 2017 we saw an increase to a full 100% of families agreeing to a similar statement. Exploration of families’ attitudes towards the Family Reading Nights was also positive—a consistent finding from 2016. In 2017 we found that families were overwhelmingly positive in their assessments of the summer reading activities and associated effects on their children:

• Ninety-five percent of families agreed that Family Reading Nights were valuable in learning how to support their children’s reading.

3  National average based on Scholastic’s nationally representative Kids & Family Reading Report ™, with kids ages 6–11. [Kids & Family Reading Report™: 6th Edition, 2017]

South Carolina


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