Scheurer Magazine // 2022

43 SCHEURER MAGAZ INE Patients are our primary concern and we want to make their stay at Scheurer Hospital as pleasant as possible. At any time during his/her stay, if the patient has problems or concerns about their care, meals or room, please inform either: Acute Care Unit Manager or Administra- tion (dial either 5240 or 5201 on his/her telephone). The identified concern/problem will be looked at by the appropriate member of our healthcare team. If the patient would like to file a concern about patient abuse, Citizens for Better Care (Area Ombudsman’s Ošce) neglect or misappropriations of a patient’s property in the 808 N. Michigan Avenue facility, he/she may contact either of the following: Saginaw, MI 48602 866.485.9393 Michigan Department of Consumer & Industry Services To report fraud against Medicaid Program: Bureau of Health Systems Michigan Department of Community Health Complaint Intake O¦ce of Inspector General P.O. Box 30664 PO Box 30479 Lansing, MI 48909 Lansing, MI 48909 800.882.6006 (855) 643-7283 YOUR OPINION MATTERS – We value your input in helping us provide the best care possible. Please the HCAHPS survey you receive in the mail or by phone. We use the results to improve our care and reward our staff for excellent service. If you have a concern or an idea of how we can improve our services, do not hesitate to speak with a staff member or manager. Customer Experience can also be reached at 989.453.4497. If you are not satisfied with your response or would like to register a complaint with the State of Michigan in one of the following ways: • Call the toll-free Complaint Hotline at 800.882.6006 • Complete a Health Facility Complaint Form (BHS-OPS-361) • Submit the BHS Online Complaint Form online at: “Health Systems and Licensing” -> “Featured Services” • Submit a letter with: Complainant’s name, address, phone number; Facility name and location, Patient Name and location, Nature of Complaint, Date of Incident • Contact The Joint Commission; email:; fax: 630.792.5632 mail: Ošce of Quality Monitoring | The Joint Commission, 1 Renaissance Blvd, Oakbrook Terrace, IL 60181 PATIENT RIGHTS UNDER MEDICARE • To receive all hospital care necessary to their diagnosis and treatment • To be fully informed about decisions affecting their Medicare coverage • To appeal any written notice that Medicare will no longer pay for their care If patients have questions about their condition, treatment, need for more care or discharge date, they should talk with their physician. If patients think they’re being asked to leave the hospital too soon: • They should ask the hospital for written notice of explanation immediately • If he/she wants to appeal, he/she should do so immediately to the area Quality Improvement Organization Quality Improvement Organization Livanta LLC Appeal Helpline (888) 524-9900 or TTY (888) 985-8775 PATIENT ADVOCATE INFORMATION CONSULTATION – The patient is entitled to associate and have private communications and consultations with her/her physician, clergy, attorney, accountant or any other person of their choice and to send and receive personal mail unopened, unless medically contraindicat- ed as documented by the attending physician in the medical record. The hospital shall encourage and assist, to the fullest possible extent, the execution of the patient’s civil and religious liberties. The patient may meet with and participate in the activities of social, religious and community groups at the patient’s discretion, unless medically contraindicated as documented by the attending physician in the medical record. The patient has the right to request consultation with a specialist or to ask for a second opinion. INFORMATION – The patient is entitled to information at the time of admission about the hospital rules/regulations and patient rights affecting patient care and conduct. The patient is entitled to exercise their rights as a patient and as a citizen and to this end may present grievances or recommend changes in policies and services on behalf of themselves or others to the hospital staff, to government ošcials or to another person of their choice within or outside the hospital, free from coercion, discrimination or reprisal. Patients are entitled to information about the hospital’s policies and procedures for initiation, review and resolution of their complaints. The patient is entitled to information concerning any human experimentation or other research/educational project proposed as a part of their care and shall have the right to refuse to participate in the experiment without jeopardizing their continuing care. An individual who is or has been a patient is entitled to inspect, receive a copy for a reasonable fee or receive information on how to obtain their medical record. Medicare, Blue Cross Blue Shield, Commercial and self-pay recipients will receive an itemized bill upon request. Information relating to financial assistance is available through the hospital. A third party shall not be given a copy of the patient’s medical record without their prior written authoriza- tion except as required by law. CONFLICT RESOLUTION – The patient is our primary concern and we want their stay at Scheurer Hospital to be as pleasant as possible. In the event the patient feels they are not enjoying their rights or have other concerns or problems, the patient has the right to make their concerns known without fear of reprisal. Patients are entitled to information about the hospital’s policies and procedures for initiation, review and resolution of their complaints. Patients who have a dilemma or conflict with his/her planned course of treatment should first discuss this with their physician. If it cannot be resolved, they may wish to request a meeting with the organizational Ethics Committee. VISITATION – The patient has the right to be informed of his/her visitation rights, including any clinical restrictions or limitations on such rights. With their consent, patients have the right to receive visitors, whom he/she designates, including, but not limited to: a spouse, domestic partner (including same-sex partner) and a parent or other family member or friend. Patients also have the right to withdraw or deny their consent to visitors at any time. Visitation will not be restricted or otherwise denied on the basis of race, color, national origin, religion, sex, gender identity, sexual orientation or disability. All visitors will enjoy full and equal visitation privileges consistent with the patient’s preferences. THE ETHICS COMMITTEE – The Scheurer Ethics Committee may be convened at any time to handle urgent patient care issues. This committee advises, recommends and reviews alternatives for outcomes and promotes patient advocacy. Patients, families, nursing staff or physicians may request an Ethics Committee Review by contacting the Social Worker at 989.453.5209.

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