King's Business - 1952-04



TEACHERS’ and DIRECTORS’ HANDBOOK That’s’s yours just for the asking! This attractive, new, better-than-ever 52-page handbook that tells you all about how to plan and direct a DVBS that really wins pupils to Christ and makes Christians want to live for H im ! Full o f practical helps for every phase o f your Vacation School-publicity—recruiting teachers... selecting a course... putting on a Christ-exalting closing demonstration program. In every way, this book will help you to forge ahead to "GREATER HEIGHTS” in your DVBS.

An extra benefit! You also get a generous preview of ALL-BIBLE VACATION SCHOOL LESSONS in "Greater Heights” M ore than a million teachers and pupils every year testify to the many fine features o f ALL- BIBLE V A C A T IO N SCH O O L lessons. And the one thing that wins the most acclaim is the fact that they are "com plete to the last detail." This year, as always, you can count on getting everything you need for a successful DVBS. OutstandingfeaturesoftheALL-BIBLE VACATION SCHOOL LESSONS 1. BIBLE-CENTERED in content! Remember, "i f it’s Scripture Press, it’s all B ible." 2. PUPIL- CENTERED in approach! The lesson content for each departmental age-level is appealing and helpful. 3- COMPLETE T O TH E LAST D E TA IL! Everything you need to put over a successful vacation sch ool. 4 . E A S Y T O F O L L O W ! Every bit o f each day’s program out­ lined and explained step by step. 5. T IM E LY! Freshly written, completely re-edited to have more appeal—more meaning for your pupils. 6. EVANGELISTIC! All-Bible lessons are per­ meated with the Gospel. The pupils arebrought face to facewith Christand urged toyield to Him. Send for your free book yes PLEASE RUSH TO ME FREE

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American Bible Society, 450 Park Avenue, New York 22, N. Y. Please send me, without obligation, your booklet KB1 entitled “ A Gift That Lives.”

my copy o f the 1952 DVBS Teachers’ and Directors’ Handbook, ’‘Greater Heights” by Bernice T . Cory.

Mail This Coupon Today Without Fail!


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