King's Business - 1952-04

Reader Reaction (Continued from Page 3) The Race Question

“ Ye Which Are Spiritual By Rev. John E. Boehmer* f V 'HERE is a small lizard called a JL chameleon which, because it is able to change its color to suit its surround­ ings, is exceedingly difficult to detect. Similarly, truly spiritual Christians are hard to discover and to distinguish. How do you define spirituality? In the Bible, the word “spiritual” (Greek — pneumatikos) means that which per­ tains to and has the characteristics of spirit. A spiritual person is one who is in adjustment with, characterized by, and demonstrating the Person and power of the Holy Spirit. Do not con­ fuse spirituality with mere sanctimoni­ ousness or solemnity, or try to equate it with churchianity or piosity. The Pharisees abounded in these things but were anything but spiritual. Spirituality is in direct contrast to religionism—the product of fleshliness or soulishness. It is never found in those who are fussing and feuding (cf. 1 Cor. 3:1-4), or in those who are un­ forgiving or self-exalting (cf. Gal. 6:1-3). True spirituality results from two things: (1) The filling of the Holy Spirit. (2) Feeding upon the Holy Scriptures. It always leads to service, to spiritual wisdom, and to selflessness (cf. 1 Cor. 2:13-16; Col. 1:9; 1 Pet. 2 :5). It produces faith and faithfulness and excludes fanaticism. You can be a spiritual believer. God has provided pardon through the gift of His Son at Calvary and power through the gift of His Spirit at Pente­ cost. We are without excuse. May my life and yours be so cleansed and con­ trolled by God that we may be known as “ ye which are spiritual.” *Pastor of High Park Baptist Church Toronto, Canada

K O R E A N E E D S C H R I S T Your gift will help supply the people o f Ko r ea with free gospel tracts presenting the way of salvation in their own language. Lone Star Mission, Inc. Rev. N. J. Christensen, Dir. 5007 Ave. F Austin 5, Texas (A faith Mission dedicated to world-wide distribution of Gospel tracts) CEYLON & INDIA GENERAL MISSION Our ministry in India includes — HOUSE TO HOUSE VISITATION As the Lord provides, we lengthen our cords and strengthen our stakes. Addtress the Secretary-Treasurer 542 S. Dearborn Street Chicago, Illinois Banquet Paper, Gift Wrappings, Cards Exceptional Profits • Send for Your Free Catalog BEB CLEANSER CO. Established 1924 BOX 278 DEPT. 255 ONEONTA, N. Y . uAÄ “ Earn-Your-Way-Plan” V A wonderful plan to work your way without loss of time. . . while learn­ ing to serve Christ better. Free literature tells how you can study for B.A. degree in Applied Religion by this plan and describes the advantages of Rockmont, "on the Rock in the Rockies.” W. Randall Skillen, Jr., D. D., President ROCKMONTCOLLEGE ^ ^ D E P T ^ C ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ I > E N V E ^ ^ O L O R A D O ■■■ i *i*i ■ ■ n ■■ ■I at last n f i m n m n i j S o u l p a v in g S im p lif ied | By Rev. Earl J. Edwards, M.A., M.Th. " (Evangelist and Bible teacher) ■ “ Your course is very good."—Dr. Charles E. \ Fuller, noted radio preacher, Los Angeles, Calif. ■ Complete in 12 easy lessons. Full price: $5.00 1 PILGRIM PUBLISHERS l 136 Snell Isle Blvd., St. Petersburg, Fla. J LtJLUNO MEMORIZING OF «r.pip-riipc ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ - | " M A R I A M O N K A NUN’S LIFE IN A CONVENT A BOOK OF FACTS! A detailed description of black nunnery in Mon­ treal. Twenty great chapters. Maria Monk, escaped nun, describes in detail the terrible experiences of helpless and defenseless girls within the high stone walls of the Hotel Dieu Nunnery at Mon­ treal. The most terrible revelation ever recorded. OVER TEN MILLION COPIES PRINTED The most extensively read book on this vital and important subject. No book like this in print ! Read this frightful, heart-breaking story and learn the truth concerning convent life, 106 burning pages. Postpaid only $1.00. The edition is lim­ ited . . . so order at once. GOSPEL ART SHOPPE I Dept. KB-4 Rowan, Iowa Page Twenty-three Fas t Sel l ing PRODUCTS

Dr Jauncey in his discussion of Young People’s Topics in the January issue, shows most admirably that in Christ racial barriers are eliminated. But he says that, although it seems to be a logical conclusion for those who advo­ cate the practical equality of the races that there should be intermarriage, such union should be avoided. We agree with him this far most emphatically. But it seems to me he falls down on the reason he gives. He says racial intermarriage seems to be highly undesirable for prac­ tical considerations. He leaves the gate open for us to discard anything the Bible teaches concerning conduct if in our judgment it becomes “highly unde­ sirable for practical reasons.” If there is a limit to which racial barriers should be eliminated, the Bible should say so, or else we are on dangerous ground. But I am writing to call attention to the fact that it does say so. Paul in his sermon on Mars’ Hill said (.Acts 17:24-26), “ God that made the world and all things therein . . . hath made of one blood all nations of men for to dwell on all the face of the earth, and hath determined . . . the hounds of their habitation.” F r a n c is E . S iew e r t Pasadena, Calif. FRIENDS There is an urgent need for prayerful and financial help to build Evangelical Methodist Churches in the Columbia Basin, Washington State. IPrite COLUMBIA BASIN MISSIONS Box 1143 MOSES LAKE, WASHINGTON

Give the Message of LIFE "to a nation of suffering, bleeding and sorrow" Wandering over charred fields, stumbling along Korea’s bomb-riddled roads, huddling in the ruins of Korean towns are 10 million heart-broken people. Their loved ones are dead, their homes in ruins; they face starvation and a future without hope. For the 30million people of Korea, President Syngman Rhee pleads for Scriptures. In his words, “To a nation of suffering, bleeding and sorrow, what else could bring cheer, comfort and hope.” The need in Korea is critical. The Pocket Testament League asks your urgent prayers—now and for months to come— aswe undertake the distribution of Gospels and Testaments inKorea. Write ALFRED A . KUNZ, Executive Director % E I -Incornateci i 156 flfT+i flVCnUE.nEUU VORKlo.n.v. « uIITHERSPOOn BL06. PHILADELPHIA 7.PflJ

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