King's Business - 1952-04

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Nine charts, uniform in size, 15 x 28 inches, comprise this set of prophetic charts. The material is attractively pre­ sented from the premillennial, disperisa- tional point of view. The charts are titled God’s Plan of the Ages, The King­ dom of Heaven, From Genesis to Reve­ lation, Daniel’s Seventy Weeks, The Great Tribulation, The Coming World Dictator, Tabernacle in the Wilderness, The Prince That Shall Come, and The Book of Daniel. Heavy bond paper. George Alan Griswood, 1904 Park Row, Dallas, Tex. 50c each, the last, $1.00. STIR UP THE GIFT By Paul S. Rees The author here presents “ The Bob Jones University Lectures on Evangel­ ism for 1951.” The book is divided into two sections, “ The Dying Fire,” and “ The Rekindled Flame,” referring to the renewed interest in revival now appar­ ent, and the conditions which preceded it. The author shows a wide acquaint­ ance with the literature of evangelism— both liberal and conservative. This is a thought-provoking book. 159 pages. Zon­ dervan Publishing House, Grand Rapids, Mich. Cloth. $2.00. GREAT GOSPEL SERMONS Two beautifully-bound volumes make up this collection of gospel sermons. The first, subtitled, “ Classic,” contains ser­ mons by such men as Finney, Talmadge, Spurgeon, Moody, Haldeman, James M. Gray, Chapman, Gipsy Smith, and G. Campbell Morgan. The second, “ Con­ temporary,” presents such varied preach­ ers as Billy Graham, Ironside, Walter A. Maier, Macartney, William Culbertson, Zwemer, and John R. Rice. Here is ex­ cellent material for the comparative study of preaching methods. 250, 243 pages. Fleming H. Revell Company, New York. Cloth. $3.95 set. $2.25 each. CHRIST AND THE INHERITANCE OF THE SAINTS By Thomas Guthrie The man who preached these sermons from 20 selected texts in Colossians was one of the outstanding preachers of the Free Church of Scotland at the middle of the last century. His ministry was evangelistic, in the conservative Scottish Presbyterian sense of the word. No one will read these pages without being challenged in his very soul. 344 pages. Zondervan Publishing House, Grand Rapids, Mich. Cloth. $2.50. REFRESHERS FOR GOD’S PEOPLE By Keith L. Brooks This booklet contains 150 brief pas­ toral messages on many,subjects. Aver­ aging about a hundred words each, they provide ideal material for quotation in church bulletins and pastoral letters. 96 pages. American Prophetic League, Inc., Los Angeles, Calif. Paper. 65c.

By DONALD G. DAVIS, Ph.D. Head of the Church History Department of the Bible Institute of Los Angeles

SPURGEON’S SERMONS By Charles Haddon Spurgeon This is the first of a twenty-volume “Memorial Library” of sermons by that master preacher, Charles H. Spurgeon. These sparkling messages bring blessing and inspiration to the reader. They are invaluable to the student and pastor. Complete indexing is promised by the publisher. 383 pages. Zondervan Publish­ ing House, Grand Rapids, Mich. Cloth. $2.95 per volume. THE LIFE AND JOURNEYS OF PAUL By Charles Ferguson Ball Written especially for junior high school students, here is a life of the Apostle Paul which will benefit many who have passed that age. The recon­ struction of the Apostle’s youth is well done; the air of certainty used in the section dealing with the years of free­ dom between Paul’s imprisonments will be questioned by some, but the Scrip­ tural foundation is to be discerned be­ neath the narrative. Beautiful colored and half-tone illustrations lend attrac­ tiveness to the work. 315 pages. Moody Press, Chicago, 111. Cloth. RIVERS IN THE DESERT By R. S. Beal These 52 sermons seem to have been printed originally for the author’s con­ gregation in Tucson, Arizona, where his ministry has been widely used of God. The messages are Bible-centered and re­ veal the warm-hearted appeal of the pastor to his people. For the most part these homilies are directed to the build­ ing up of God’s people, and they are truly “ rivers in the desert.” 112 pages. R. S. Beal, First Baptist Church, Tuc­ son, Ariz. Cloth. No price given.

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