King's Business - 1952-04

A PEN NY A DAY (Not such a large sum to invest for eternity) Wül give spiritual sight to the blind H O W ? For information write to THE CHRISTIAN ASSOCIATION FOR THE BLIND 430 East 141st Street - - - New York 54, N. Y. Chas. E. Gremmels, Pres. ; J. E. Bennet, Treas. Have Your Eyes Examined Now! DR. W. LA VERN SALTER DR. JOHN. WM. SALTER Optometrists 226 Story Bldg., 610 So. Broadway Los Angeles 14, Calif. TUcker 4855 Serving Bible Institute students and instructors since 1926

to relax and do what you please, or do you dislike Sunday because you cannot do m any o f the things which you want to do? God said, “ Rem ember the sabbath day, to keep it h oly.” H ow can boys and g irls keep Sunday h oly? The L ord Jesus when H e w as upon the earth kept God’s day holy by doing three things. H e spent tim e in talk in g w ith H is F ath er in Heaven. H e spent time in w orshipin g w ith others in God’s house, and He spent time in helping others who w ere about H im . Sunday is not the only day to pu t God first. Those who tru ly know the L ord Jesus Christ as their personal Saviour w ill love H im so much that they w ill w an t every day to be H is d a y! O f course they cannot spend each day in church, but they can go to the places and do those things each day th at w ill show others th eir love fo r their Lord. Sunday is a day fo r honorin g God in special ways. D o your n eighbors always know th at (unless you are ill) they w ill see you leavin g fo r Sunday school every Sunday m orn in g? Or do you g o only when you don’t have company, or only i f you have finished the Sunday funnies and don’t have anyone at home to play w ith ? W e read o f God’s Son th at He w ent to God’s house “ as his custom w as.” D o you r n eighbors and friend s know th at you always go to God’s house on Sunday? W h at you do on Sunday aftern oon shows what kind o f a Chris­ tian you are too. I f you g o to church Sunday m orn ing then live fo r the devil Sunday aftern oon your life certain ly is n ot a testim ony fo r you r Lord. Some Christians stay at home i f the w eather is “ bad” and feel that they must go fo r an all-day ride if the w eather is good. Some Christians tell their frien d s that they always go to God’s house and never stay at home fo r com pany on Sunday. O thers always have com pany so that they can use that excuse to not go to church. O thers say th at a fte r w orkin g all week they are too tired to get up and g o to church, bu t they can w ork hard I and play hard fo r the devil all day lon g and never complain about being tired ! D o you honor God on H is da y? M ay 18, 1952 CONSERVING OUR FAMILY HERITAGE E x. 20:12; M ark 7 :9 -1 3; John 19:25-27 Pointers On The Lesson The Bible exalts the fam ily relation ­ ship. In the beginning God established m arria ge and the subsequent home ties. In the Old T estam ent w e find m any splendid instances o f the fam ily rela­ tionship. The Jew s still are known fo r their stron g fam ily loyalty and devotion. In the N ew Testam ent instructions are num erous and examples are legion whicn exalt the w orth and place o f the fam ily. In this day o f looseness in m atters re­ latin g to the home, it is very im portant that w e re-study what the B ible has to say on these subjects.

in these days o f g ra ce the Jew ish sab­ bath is not to be imposed upon the church. The Jew ish sabbath harks back to the first creation, whereas the true church is the result o f the new creation, is a heavenly people seated w ith Christ in the heavenlies (E ph . 2 :5 , 6) and dom inated by different prin ciples from those govern in g God’s earthly people, Israel. H ow ever, there are certain abiding principles connected w ith the Jew ish sabbath and the Christian L ord ’s Day. Both are set ap art from other days fo r man’s blessing. Both ou gh t to be days o f rest and w orship. B oth w ere estab­ lished th at the ordin ary affairs o f life m ight be set aside fo r spiritu al profit. Both should m inister to m an’s holiness. The Purpose o f the Sabbath M ark 2:27, 28 The Pharisees had so m isconstrued the true m eaning o f the sabbath that they considered rubbing out a little corn w ith the hand as the w ork o f threshing and th erefore w as to be condemned (v.v. 23, 2 4 ). Our L ord in this instance sought to restore the sabbath to its righ tfu l position. It w as fo r m an’s good, a g ift to be used in noble w ays. The Pharisees had put the sabbath in the place o f the L ord o f the sabbath. They had thus lost sigh t o f its m oral and spiritual significance. Our L ord defin­ itely stated that the sabbath w as “ made fo r m an,” th at is, fo r his good, not fo r his hurt. It w as not established simply as a cerem onial observance. H e fu rth er stated that He “ is L ord also o f the sabbath.” Surely He had the righ t to interpret its real m eaning. This H e did upon this occasion as well as upon others (e.g. M ark 3 :1 -5 ). A nd so w ith the L ord ’s D ay, Christ has n ot placed any heartless restrictions upon its usage. In the tw o sections b efore us w e have tw o w ays in which our L ord used the sabbath day. They are su ggestive o f w ays in w hich the L ord ’s D ay m ay be used by Christians. F irst, ou r L ord ’s custom was to attend God’s house on this day (4 :1 6 ). It w ould seem needless to argue the im portance on the p a rt o f be­ lievers today o f doin g likew ise each first day o f the week. B y so doing w e can do honor to our risen L ord and brin g to remembrance the fa c t th at w e belong to God’s new creation. Second, w e dis­ cover that our L ord w as in the h abit o f doing w orks o f healing and blessing on the sabbath (1 3 :1 0 -1 7 ). Enum erate the w ays by w hich we m ay follow our L ord ’s example on the L ord ’s Day. Helps For The Children When Sunday Com es Ex. 20:8-11; Mark 2 :2 3 -3 :6 ; Luke 4:16, 13:10-17 M em ory V erse: “ Rem em ber the sabbath day, to keep it h oly” (E x . 2 0 :8 ). W h at do you do on Sunday? D o you feel th at Sunday is ju st a day fo r you U ses o f the Sabbath Luke 4 :1 6ab ; 13:10-17

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