King's Business - 1952-04

Helps For The Children L ove in Our H om es Luke 2:41-52; John 19:25-27 M em ory V erse: “ H onour thy fath er and thy m other” (E x . 20-12). H ave you ever thanked God fo r y ou r home and fo r y ou r m other and fa th e r? One o f God’s m ost precious g ifts to boys and g irls is th eir home, especially i f it is a Christian home w here the L o rd Jesus is loved and honored. One o f God’s commandments is “ H onour th y fa th e r and th y m other.” God gave parents the jo y o f lovin g and ca rin g fo r th eir children and helping them g row stron g in th eir bodies and in their m inds. H e g a v e parents to help children know God’s W ord and God’s plan fo r th eir lives. Children too have an im portant p a rt in the home. Th ey can either make their homes h appy and cheerfu l b y being kind, polite, h elpfu l, and lovin g or they can make th eir homes constantly unhappy b y being grum py, cross, lazy, selfish, unkind, and impolite. Only homes where each mem ber o f a fam ily knows the L ord Jesus Christ as Saviour can be com pletely and tru ly h appy and satisfyin g. People have d if­ feren t ideas about how things should be done, about righ t and w ron g, etc., but th ey need n ot qu arrel and be unhappy because o f this. I f th ey are God’s chil­ dren, they can talk together and pray togeth er about th eir differen ces and th eir problem s and find what God’s W ord gives as the righ t answer. Children who love the L ord Jesus w ill ch eerfu lly obey in the home and w ill seek to show H is love in every p a rt o f their life in the home. Children whose paren ts are not Christians have a m ore difficult tim e liv ­ in g fo r Christ in th eir home. Sometimes unsaved parents w an t their children to do things and to go places th at are not h onorin g to God’s Son. It is difficult fo r these children to know what to do. Th ey must choose whether to obey God or to obey th eir parents. Children must always obey th eir parents unless doin g this means th at they must disobey God. Some parents have been led to the L ord Jesus b y Christian children who have lived so like th eir L ord at home th at th eir lives have m ade the parents w an t to know the Saviour too. Those who obey God’s com ­ mand, “ H onour th y fa th er and th y m other” w ill have homes th at are peace­ fu l and h appy because th ey have pu t God first. M ay 25, 1952

The Basic Command Ex. 20:12

The position accorded to parents in the decalogue is a very high one. Th ey are m entioned in the first table, and duty tow ards them stands next to duties tow ­ ard God. The penalty fo r cursin g them is the same (2 1 :1 7 ), as the pen alty fo r blasphem ing God (L ev. 2 4 :1 5 f), th at is, death. Israel, again and again, w as urged to reverence parents as being the heads o f the home, and thus to be hon­ ored. A lo n g w ith the command to honor parents, there w ent a prom ise to those who would obey the command. This is indicated b y the w ords, “ that th y days m ay be lon g upon the land.” Thus the fifth commandment is the “ first com ­ mandment w ith prom ise” (E p h . 6 :2 ). A sp irit o f filial respect in fe rs a w ell- ordered life in general, and so tends to secure prosperity both to the individual and to the nation. The Command Set A side M ark 7:9-13 W e have here set fo rth a gla rin g ex­ ample o f “ la yin g aside the command­ m ent o f God” (v . 8 ). The first step o f the Pharisees in dishonoring the W ord o f God w as to add th eir traditions to the Scriptu res as u sefu l supplements. The second step w as to place them on a par w ith G od’s W ord in the m atter o f au­ thority. The final step w as to honor these traditions above the W ord itself. This step is illustrated in the passage be­ fo re us. B y saying th at the m oney that should have been used fo r the care o f aged o r sick parents w as Corban, th at is, dedicated to the temple or holy p u r­ poses, they evaded th eir sacred respon­ sibility in the m atter o f th eir paren ts’ support. Thus th ey did violence to the sp irit o f the fifth commandment. There is no end to the error to which men m ay come when th ey forsa k e the W ord o f God fo r the opinions and doctrines o f men. N o t on ly is Jesus our Saviour, He is also ou r example in respect to daily atti­ tudes and conduct. In the m atter o f hon­ orin g parents, H e gave a w onderfu l e x ­ ample in the treatm ent He accorded H is m other a t the close o f H is life . In the m idst o f the C alvary experience when H is sufferings w ere at th eir clim ax, our L ord still remembered the inner m ean­ in g o f the fifth commandment and obeyed it p erfectly. In H is agon y He gave at­ tention to the fu tu re care o f H is mother. Into the custody o f the beloved John He comm itted her and “ from that hour that disciple took her unto his own hom e” (v . 2 7 ). D u rin g the rest o f her life upon earth, John becam e to h er as a ten­ der, lovin g son, and she to him as a lovin g mother. In a lesson such as this it w ill be w ell fo r the teacher to appeal to his or her students to mention w ays in w hich sons and daughters m ay honor th eir parents. God means H is W ord to be practical. Parental H onor Exemplified John 19:25-27

"JOHN DEWEY'S EDUCATIONAL PHILOSOPHY has done more harm to Am erican young people than even John Bar­ leycorn,” says a public school teacher of years of experience. Are you equipped to refute the fallacies of this subtle atheistic influence? Read Dr. Buswell’s hook ex­ posingDeweyism. Give copies to your friends, especially the teachers of your children. Order direct from the author - T H E PHILOSOPHIES OF F. R. TENNANT and JOHN DEWEY, over fiv e hundred pages, $6.00, postage prepaid if cash accompanies order. J. OLIVER BUSWELL, Jr. President SheltonCollege 340 W est 55 th S treet N ew Y ork 19, N. Y.

GOD'S ESTIMATE OF HUMAN LIFE Ex. 2 0 :13; M att. 5:21-26; 18:5, 6 ; Luke 9:51-56 Pointers On The Lesson

One o f 19 BIOLA

Courses by Correspondence

The sacredness o f human life is em ­ phasized in this w eek’s lesson. God gave life in the first place and has placed a sa fegu ard about it in m any comm and­ ments and teachings. Man w as made in the im age o f God, and though b y sin th at im age has been dread fu lly m arred, yet God still places high value upon it and w arns again st anything that w ill in anyw ise destroy it. T H E K I N G ' S B U S I N E S S



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