King's Business - 1952-04

A Basic Command Ex. 20:13


Th e command, “ Th ou shalt n ot kill,” needs to be interpreted in th e ligh t o f oth er Scriptures. It cannot mean a p ro­ hibition against the ta k in g o f animal life as som e have thought, else God w ould n ot have told the people in L eviticus 11 w hat animals th ey could eat. F u rther­ m ore, the entire sacrificial system o f the Old T estam ent w as based upon the shed­ din g o f the blood o f animals. N either can it be a prohibition against capital pun­ ishm ent and w a r because in the first instance the law provided fo r the inflic­ tion o f the death pen alty upon those gu ilty o f certain crim es (L ev. 2 0 ) ; and in the second instance, God has given to governm ental pow ers the righ t to bear the sw ord (R om . (1 3 :4 ). Th e latter harm onizes ex a ctly w ith the righ t given to human governm ent a t the tim e o f its establishm ent (G en. 9 :6 ). E viden tly the command means th at the individual has no rig h t to take personal vengean ce upon an offender. The first w ord o f the command, “ Thou,” needs to be emphasized. V en gean ce belongs to the L ord as is clearly seen in Rom ans 12:19, “ V en gean ce is m in e; I w ill repay, saith the L ord.” H e ofttim es w orks th rough human governm ent to brin g this ven­ gean ce to pass. An Am plification o f P receding Command M att. 5:21-26 In this passage our L ord reveals the inner m eaning o f the law . H e makes the command again st killin g to include a prohibition against hatred or anger. H e gets at the h eart o f m atters fo r H e knew th a t an ger is the th in g th at ofttim es results in m urder. H e fu rth er shows th at hatred hinders w orship. H e directs th at in cases where individuals w ho are in th e act o f w orship rem ember that som ething stands between them and others there should be a rectification o f the w ron g before w orship is continued. I f this prin cip le w ere carried out today, how m any pious cerem onies w ould be in terru pted! The W ord clearly teaches th at love fo r the brethren is one o f the evidences o f the new birth (1 John 3 :1 4 ). It also says th at “ W hosoever hateth his broth er is a m u rderer” (1 John 3 :1 5 ). A n Illustration o f the Value God loves the little children. .Special blessing is prom ised to those who m inis­ ter to them in Jesus’ name (v. 5 ). T o brin g a little child to Jesus is to see another soul added to H is body, and th erefore is equivalent to dealing kindly w ith Jesus. On the other hand, to do an yth ing that w ould cause a little child who believes on Jesus to stumble w ill brin g the ju dgm en t o f God. These verses from the lips o f ou r L ord su ggest the trem endous value o f en ga gin g in chil­ dren’s w ork. Th ey also su ggest to p a r­ ents the privilege and respon sibility they have in relation to their children. o f Human L ife M att. 18:5, 6

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• The young man sat on a low stool,

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