King's Business - 1952-04

A n oth er Illustration Luke 9:51-56

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Even the Sam aritans, so despised by the Jew s, w ere the objects o f the vital concern o f Jesus. W hen these people did not readily receive the Son o f God when He cam e into th eir village, James and John w ere in fa v o r o f h aving fire called down from H eaven to consum e them . Thus th ey w ere true to their designa­ tion as “ the sons o f thunder” (M ark 3 :1 7 ). F o r this attitude they w ere rebuked (v. 5 5 ), and the L ord Jesus showed H is attitude tow ard all men (v. 5 6 ). He cam e to be a Saviour, not a ven gefu l destroyer. Helps For The Children P rotectin g O thers from Harm Matt. 18:1-6, 10-14; M ark 1:40-42; Luke 9:51-56; 12:4-7 M em ory V e rse : “ Thou shalt not kill” (E x . 20:13). H ate and anger in the h eart cause trouble and unhappiness. Sometimes these feelin gs can lead to takin g the life o f another person— to killin g someone. God’s commandment, “ Thou shalt not k ill” includes m ore than actu ally killing someone else. It includes anger, hatred, u nfairn ess, and m istreating others too. Those who drink alcohol easily become an gry and unhappy and m any tim es kill others. They n ot only ruin th eir own bodies but frequ en tly harm others too. Th ey first think in their h eart w hat they w ould like to do to another, and then they actu ally do the deed. The L ord Jesus said, I am “ come to seek and to save th at which was lost.” H is w a y is the w ay o f kindness and love, n ot the w ay o f hatred and cruelty. H e came to save souls, but H e also wanted to protect and heal bodies and keep them clean and pure. There are several w ays th at God’s children are to protect others from harm . W e are n ot only to protect the bodies o f others from death, fo r there are w orse things than death. W e are to protect the m inds o f others from filthy stories and from th in gs that are untrue. W e are to protect the habits o f others b y not doin g those things which they can copy th at w ould be h arm fu l and sinfu l. W e are to protect th eir souls from hell by telling them o f God’s Son who died on C alvary’s cross th at they m ight have everlasting life by believing upon H im as th eir Sav­ iour. W e are to protect th eir bodies by not offerin g them anything w hich m ight harm their bodies or th eir m inds to eat or drink. Christians are n ot saved ju s t to be saved. They are “ saved to serve.” They are responsible fo r others whose lives th ey touch. E ach day Christian boys and g irls be­ fo re th ey talk w ith anyone else should talk w ith their L ord and let H im talk w ith them through H is W ord that th ey m ight say and do those things th at w ill cause others to w an t to know th eir Saviour too.

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• Do the children in your Sunday School class know the real meaning of Easter, or is it lost to them in a ¡umble of bunnies, eggs and new clothes? So often, the Sunday School teacher carries the full responsibility for teaching children the truths of Christianity. Often, you are the only one who pre­ sents to their young hearts the claims of Christ. Make sure every lesson counts. American Sunday- School Union LESSON HELPS enable you to present clear, Christ-centered, soul-winning lessons. BASED ON INTERNATIONAL UNIFORM LESSONS Send today for free samples . WRITE DEPT. K AMERICAN SUNDAY-SCHOOL UNION 1816 Chestnut Street, Philadelphia 3, Pa.

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